医学科研论文写作=Publishing Your Medical Paper
"Worship the spirit of criticism,"Pasteur advised his fellow scientists.Today ,most scientists recognize the importance of this advice,but nearly all prefer the spirit of praise from one particular group:peer reviewers.The bad news is that each year reviewers reject hundreds of thousands of medical manuscripts.The good news is that many are rejected for common flaws that can be avoided.Several books have described how to write a scientific paper,notably those by Robert Day(1994),Edward Huth(1990),and George Hall(1994).My goal in writing Publishing Your Medical Research Paper.What They Dont Teach in Medical Shool was to exserach study and writing a publishable paper.
Chapter1 Overview:Ten Key PrinciplesPLANNING Chapter2 Methodology:Laying the Groundwork Chapter3 The Methodology Chapter4 Minimizing Bias Chapter5 The Data Collection From Chapter6 Eligibility Chapter7 Randomization,"Blinding,"and Confidentiality Chapter8 End Points and Outcome Chapter9 Sample Size Chapter10 Preparing for Statistical Analysis Chapter11 Avoiding Common Criticisms Chapter12 Preparing to Write a Publishable PaperOBSERVING Chapter13 Collecting Data Chapter14 Analyzing Data:Statistical Analysis Chapter15 Interpreting the Data Chapter16 Univariate Analysis Chapter17 Nonparametric Tests Chapter18 Matching Chapter19 Multivariate AnalysisWRITING Chapter20 Title Chapter21 Abstract Chapter22 Introduction Chapter23 Methods Chapter24 Results Chapter25 Discussion Chapter26 References Chapter27 Special SituationsEDITING Chapter28 Preparing Your Manuscript for Submission Chapter29 Small, but Significant Points to Consider Chapter30 Improving Your Writing Chapter31 Problematic TermsREVISING Chapter32 Revising the Final Draft Chapter33 The Cover Letter Chapter34 Responding to Peer Reviewers' CommentsAPPENDIXES A. Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals B. Peer Review Questionnaire Medical Journal Questionnaire C. Sample Data Collection Form D. Medical Researcher's Directory E. World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki Ode to MUltiauthorshop:A Multicentre, Prospective Random Poem BibliographyIndex
Your success in publishing your medical research paper will largely depend on how well you follow these ten key principles. Study these points before moving on to the more detailed principles and periodically review key principles during your research project.To shou that your findings can be applied to larger popilations,clearly describe your sample and study and study design.Readers and reviewers will scrutinize your methods before they accept your conclusions.
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