田坦,刘露 主编
近年来,随着电子信息与通信技术飞速发展,大量新概念、新技术不断涌现,相应的,在高等学校电子类专业的科技英语教学实践中,对教材内容更新是一项“周期性”的工作。本书对第一版中的错误进行了订正,同时对部分内容进行了调整,增添了关于智能天线和软件无线电等技术的新内容。 本书涉及了电子信息工程专业、通信工程专业、信息对抗技术专业以及水声工程专业的部分专业课程内容,强调了对信号分析与处理理论的基本概念、公式和定理的说明解释,使学生能够掌握本专业的常用英文词汇,了解一些新技术的概念和发展趋势,为将来的科学研究工作打基础。
Part I Lesson 1 Periodic Signals 1.1 Time-Domain Descriptions 1.2 Frequency- Domain Descriptions 1.3 Orthogonal Functions 1.4 The Fourier Series 词汇 Lesson 2 Aperiodic Signals 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The Exponential Form of the Fourier Series 2.3 The Fourier Transform 2.4 The Laplace Transform 词汇 Lesson 3 Sampled-Data Signals 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Mathematical Description Using the Dime Function 3.3 Spectra of Sampled-Data Signals 3.4 The z-Transform 3.5 Discussion 词汇 Lesson 4 Random Signals 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Elements of Probability Theory 4.3 Amplitude Distributions and Moments 4.4 The Autocorrelation and Power Spectral Density Functions 4.5 Important Types of Random Signal 词汇 Lesson 5 Signals and Systems 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Basic Aspects of Linear Processing 5.3 Convolution, Correlation and Filtering 5.4 The Processing of Random Signals 5.5 Nonlinear Processing 词汇 Lesson 6 Modulation and Sampling 6.1 Introduction to Modulation 6.2 Signal Sampling and Reconstitution 6.3 Other Modulation Processes 词汇 Lesson 7 Filters 7.1 Introduction 7.2 General Aspects of Filter Performance 7.3 Analogue Filters 7.4 Digital Filters 词汇Part II Lesson 8 Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing 8.1 Quantitative Description of Signal 8.2 Qualitative Description of the Sources of Noise 8.3 Comparison of Sonar, Radar, and Seismic Parameters 8.4 Target Strength and the Sonar Range Equation 8.5 Reflection and Scattering from Boundaries 8.6 Effects of an Inhomogeneous Medium ……Part III