随着中国人世及市场经济的发展,对既懂法律又懂英语的人才的需求量日渐增长。为了适应这种需要,有必要加强法律英语教育,提高在校本科生、研究生和相关人员的法律英语水平,使其能够深入了解外国法律制度的基本情况,以便更好地适应中国人世带来的挑战以及参与国际竞争。 本教材适用于具备较高英语水平的法学专业高年级本科生、研究生,其他专业的学生和法律英语爱好者。本书选材丰富,难度适中,学生能从中接触到外国法律,尤其是英美法律系的不同侧面,能够掌握规范的法律英语语言和大量的法律英语词汇,进而能够较好地提高自身阅读法律原著的能力。 本书由徐嘉辉负责编写Unit1-Unit3,李佳新负责编写Unit4-Unit6,刘骥负责编写Unit7-Unit9,任悦姝负责编写Unit10-Unit12,何宏莲负责编写Unit13-Unit15。全书由徐嘉辉统稿,孙丹、左辉负责校对工作。由于编者水平有限,错误和不当之处在所难免,望读者朋友批评指正。
Unit 1Part A Introduction to Legal SystemPart B Some Preliminary DefinitionsUnit 2Part A Legal ProfessionPart B The English Legal ProfessionUnit 3Part A Constitutional LawPart B The American ConstitutionUnit 4Part A Administrative LawPart B The Due ProcessUnit 5Part A Criminal LawPart B Some Basic ConceptsUnit 6Part A Contract LawPart B The OfferUnit 7Part A Tort LawPart B TortsUnit 8Part A Property Law(1)Part B TrustUnit 9Part A Property Law(2)Part B Transaction of a Real EstateUnit 10Part A Family LawPart B Courtship,Engagement and MarriageUnit 11Part A Intellectual Property LawPart B Tunisian Copyright SystemUnit 12Part A Corporation LawPart B Choice of Business OrganizationsUnit 13Part A Commercial PaperPart B Indorsement and Holder in Pue CourseUnit 14Part A Insurance LawPart B The Contract of InsuranceUnit 15Part A Law of ProcedurePart B ArbitrationAppendix Classical for Reading1.O'Keefe v.Lee Calan Imports,Inc.128 Ⅲ.App.2d 4102.Denman V.Spain3.Odorizzi v.Bloomfield School District4.Settle times Company v.Rhinehart5.Hicks v.United States6.Bonkowski v.Arian'S Department Store7 Harris v.New York
The fundamental right having greatest relevance to administrative law is expressed inboth the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments,the assuranc that no person(here,includingartificial persons)may be“deprived of life,liberty,or property without due process of law”.In their procedural aspect'these eleven words are the source of all fundamental claims aboutfair procedure in our legal system.We have already seen a little.about the evolvingunderstanding of these words,in the text above at notes 10 to 14.Here it may be appropriateto give more attention to issues of doctrinal structure. While the text of the due process clause is extremely general,the fact that it is(uniquely)expressed twice in the Constitution strongly suggests an understanding that itswords state a central proposition about the requirements of legal order.Historically,the clausereflects the Magna Carta of Great Britain,both its expression of principles of legality and itsparticular assurance that all would receive the ordinary processes(procedures)of law.Theyalso echo that country’s seventeenth century struggles for political and legal regularity,andthe American colonies’strong insistence during the pre.revolutionary period on observance of. ……