无论是大学英语应用提高阶段的英语教学理论,还是当今颇受关注的大学“双语教学”中的教学理念,其宗旨一脉相承,即:英语是一个工具,必须与专业知识融为一体。两者的结合与时俱进,既有助于进一步提高学生自身英语水平,又能帮助他们掌握相关的专业知识。在这催人奋进的时代发展潮流中,我们谨将《Medical Horizons一英语教学短文阅读》献给我国的英语教育事业,以促进英语教学与专业知识相结合,适应新时代大学英语教学的发展。 本书收编了60篇当今医学科学方面的报道文章;20篇反映现代医学热点的评论文章;20篇耐人寻味的医学文学文章。三种不同题材的短文均以3:1:1的比例为单元进行编排。每篇文章附有单词注释、难点注释和多项选择阅读理解题。
Unit OneText 1 Catch Them YoungText 2 Hearts and MindsText 3 Blinded by BreadText 4 Womb at the TopText 5 Aging and CaringUnit TwoText 1 Caffeine May Ward Off ParkinsonsText 2 Live Fast, Die YoungText 3 Seeing Pink Helps Smokers QuitText 4 A Force of Nature?Text 5 VergilUnit ThreeText 1 When the Head Rules the HeartText 2 High-protein Diets May Help HeartsText 3 Trigger HappyText 4 Vital SignsText 5 From the Foot of the GurneyUnit FourText 1 Sleep EasyText 2 Bringing Up BoozersText 3 Suck It and SeeText 4 They Need Your DNAText 5 MessagesUnit FiveText 1 Tainted AirText 2 Japan May Finally Swallow the PillText 3 Nicotines Fatal AttractionText 4 Brave New MedicineText 5 Dont Call Me "Larry"Unit SixText 1 Sounds AlarmingText 2 Sins of the ParentsText 3 Obsessions, Compulsions Span DecadesText 4 Brand Not Contraband"Text 5 TactileUnit SevenText 1 Healthy VibesText 2 Cancer Scare for Cellphone UsersText 3 Hair Today, Skin TomorrowText 4 Dial F for FearText 5 A Case of Mutual DistrustUnit EightText 1 Another Reason to DietText 2 Insatiable AppetitesText 3 Poisonous FatText 4 Patient Heal Thyself?Text 5 My Name Is JackUnit NineText 1 Saved by the LightText 2 Brain WaveText 3 Zap It and SeeText 4 Education for a Biocomplex FutureText 5 A Visit from My Daughter"Unit TenText 1 Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of VegetablesText 2 Add Olive Oil, Lemon and a Clove of Garlic.Text 3 Alcohol May Guard Diabetics HeartsText 4 Reaching Out for World HealthText 5 Be Careful What You Wish forUnit ElevenText 1 Depressed Smokers Ride Immune DownerText 2 Emotions Need Forty WinksText 3 Making Use of Mismatched Donor MarrowText 4 Not Now, Dr MiracleText 5 Four-Wheel-Drive MedicineUnit TwelveText 1 A Robot in the Right VeinText 2 Clearing the MindText 3 Ouch! That HurtText 4 In Your FaceText 5 A Wake-up CallUnit ThirteenText 1 Clinics Admit They Take Sperm from Dead MenText 2 Blame Your MotherText 3 Dont Blame the FatherText 4 The Coming RevolutionText 5 The Ungifted PhysicianUnit FourteenText 1 Half Fish, Half RobotText 2 Grow-Your-Own OrgansText 3 Healing the BrainText 4 Tread CarefullyText 5 A Moment of ClarityUnit FifteenText 1 Heavenly ScentText 2 Fighting the Battle of file BulgeText 3 Damage LimitationText 4 Free for AllText 5 Crossing OverUnit SixteenText 1 Go West, Young WomanText 2 Elixir of YouthText 3 End of the Road for Brain EvolutionText 4 Waiting for a MiracleText 5 Whispering Through the KeyholeUnit SeventeenText 1 Almost HumanText 2 Picture ThisText 3 Treat Genetic Diseases Before BirthText 4 How Many Layers Does It TakeText 5 Sherry and RichardUnit EighteenText 1 Seek and DestroyText 2 Alcoholism Shows Its Youthful SideText 3 Stop Cancer Before It StartsText 4 The Last TabooText 5 The Most Primitive SenseUnit NineteenText 1 Animal Virus Found in Depressed PeopleText 2 Birth of a MiracleText 3 Mind Switch Could Help Disabled Regain ControlText 4 The Great Divide?Text 5 Star MaterialUnit TwentyText 1 Keep Your Hair OnText 2 Exercise Helps Some Cancer, Heart PatientsText 3 Times UpText 4 Cool Heads in a Hot ClimateText 5 Can an Amulet Cure Leukemia?APPENDIX Ⅰ GlossaryAPPENDIX ⅡKey to Reading Comprehension Questions
I am intrigued by each staff members unique reaction. Thenurse passes through discrete emotional stages similar to thoseElizabeth Kubler-Ross described in patients facing seriousillnesses. First, there is denial ( "Maybe if I restart the comput-er, the problem will go away. ") and next, anger ( "How couldthe hospital not have a back-up system?" and "How am I sup-posed to take care of my patients?" ). One of the attending car-diologists, impatiently awaiting a third CPK on one of hispatients, wonders out loud why the house staff Cant run thetests themselves the way he used to when he was an intern. Asleep-deprived intern, on the other hand, seems relieved to beable to write —— and get away with- "Labs pending" inall her progress notes.
MedicalHorixons作为大学英语应用提高阶段专业英语系列教材《新世纪医学英语教程》的配套阅读教程,有如下特点: 精选各种题材的最新医学文章100篇,并按3篇报道+1篇评论+1篇有关医学的文学作品的 比例分成20个单元。 选文短小精悍,文字简约易读,并包含许多反映医学新概念、新事物的有用的专业词汇。 选文内容涉及医学各个领域的最新成就、医学界热点问题、以及医学伦理与人文,介绍了 诸如近视与饮食的关系等许多颇有启发意义的新见解、新发现。 不追求难度,但求达到效果;让学生于轻松阅读中得到英语与医学知识双丰收。 MedicalHorizons不仅适合大专院校医学专业师生使用,广大医务工作者也可以借此提高专业英语水平,扩大专业视野;从中了解国际医学界新的动态,获得有益的启发。