彭长江,彭长江 编
本教材选用了来自互联网、国内外英语报刊杂志和书籍的英语资料,并对其中的一部分作了节选或改写。采用主题形式编排。本书为《新编高级英语》(上册)的教师用书。本册教材共12个单元,每个单元具有明确的教学目标。其中以大幅度提高学生理解能力为主要目标,兼顾听、说、写译能力的提高。 本教材具有信息量大,知识涵盖面广,编排形式不拘一格,易于结合多媒体技术呈现教学内容等特点。
UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 UNIT 5 UNIT 6 UNIT 7 UNIT 8 UNIT 9 UNIT 10 UNIT 11 UNIT 12 Appendix 1 Sample Test in Advanced English for English Majors Appendix 2 TEST BANK
Extension from the Text 1. Speaking Say something about "Young Goodman Brown", giving play to yourimagination based on clues in the text. "Young Goodman Brown" is one of Hawthorne's most famous short sto-ries. It deals with the titular hero's adventures on a certain night in the forestand their influence upon his subsequent life. Brown is an ordinary man living inSalem village. One night, after his marriage, he leaves his wife, Faith, and goesto the forest to meet the Devil there. And then he continues his company withthe latter in spite of his unwillingness. Brown is very surprised to discover manyworthy people and even his own wife in such a heathen wilderness at night. TheDevil incites the congregation to convert. The next morning Brown returns toSalem village, where everything goes as before as if nothing had happened. ButBrown has become a changed man, behaving differently until his gloomy death. 2. Cloze Goodman Brown, like most people, wants to experience evil, not perpetu-ally, of course, for he is by and large a decent chap, a respectably married man,a member of a church, but he desires to "taste the forbidden fruit" before set-tling down to the business of being a solid citizen and attaining "the good wife".He feels that he can do this because he means to retain his religious 1) faith,personified in his wife, who, to reinforce the 2) allegory, is even named Faith.But in order to encounter 3) evil, he must part with his 4) wife, at least tempo-rarily, something he is either 5) willing or compelled to do. It is here that hemakes his fatal mistake, for 6) evil turns out to be not some abstraction norsomething that can be played with for a while and then put down, but the very7) pillars of Goodman Brown's world--his ancestors, his earthly rulers, hisspiritual overseers, and finally his Faith. In short, so overpowering is the factand the 8) universality of evil in the world that Goodman Brown comes to doubtthe existence of any 9) good. By looking upon the very face of evil, he is trans-formed into a 10) cynic and a misanthrope whose "dying hour was gloom".
体例反映教学过程,全面加强听说译写,略实词汇语法基础,切实减轻师生负担! 目标方法一目了然,注重深度理解能力,介绍文体修辞知识,直通专业八级考研!