束光辉 编
本书是《新体验商务英语系列教材》之一。本书以进出口贸易的主要业务环节为主线,系统地介绍了各环节的操作规程和国际惯例,教材全部用英文编写,目的是让读者既熟悉进出口业务又掌握与业务有关的英文表述方式。为了巩固对业务知识和语言的掌握,每章之后还附有针对性的练习。 本书内容主要包括国际贸易理论、国际支付、信用证、贸易条款、贸易合同、进出口制单、商品描述及包装、国际货物保险、货物检验与不可抗力、进出口程序等,共14章。本书每一章节的编写,力求材料翔实全面,语言难易适中,专业性强,同时紧跟国际贸易的变化和发展,对于一些贸易规则的变化,本教材均做了适当调整。 本书的读者对象主要为具有较好英语基础的经贸专业的学生和英语专业二、三年级的学生,以及有志于从事国际贸易工作的其他人士。
Chapter 1 International Trade 1.1 Concept of international Trade 1.2 Reasons for International Trade 1.3 Benefits of international Trade 1.4 international Trade Restrictions 1.5 Invisible TradeChapter 2 International Trade Theory 2.1 Mercantilism 2.2 Absolute Advantage 2.3 Comparative Advantage 2.4 Heckscher-Ohlin Theory 2.5 The Product Life-cycle Theory 2.6 The New Trade Theory 2.7 National Competitive Advantage: Porter's Diamond 2.8 Implications for BusinessChapter 3 International Payment 3.1 Payment Instruments of International Trade 3.2 Five Basic methods of PaymentChapter 4 The Letter of Credit(Ⅰ) 4.1 The Major Contents of the L/C 4.2 Parties to the Transaction 4.3 Details on Procedures 4.4 Conformity with the Documentary Credit 4.5 How to Handle Documentary Discrepqncies 4.6 Regarding the Role of Banks 4.7 Limitations with Documentary CreditsChapter 5 The Letter of Credit(Ⅱ)Chapter 6 Terms of DeliveryChapter 7 Business ContractChapter 8 Import and Export DocumentationChapter 9 Description of Commodities and Their PackingChapter 10 International Cargo TransportationChapter 11 Insurance(Ⅰ)Chapter 12 Insurance(Ⅱ)Chapter 13 Inspection,Claim,Force Majeure and ArbitrationChapter 14 Import and Export ProceduresReferences