樊瑛 编
随着我国改革开放的不断深入,特别是中国加入WTO和北京成功申办2008年奥运会后,我国的涉外交往不断增多,北京作为国际化大都市的地位和作用对首都公安民警的外语水平提出了更高的要求。为了响应北京市政府“全民学英语”的号召,贯彻落实北京市公安局制定的外语培训七年规划,全面提高警察院校在校生和民警的外语水平和交际能力,北京人民警察学院成立了课题组,在前期调研的基础上全体课题组成员共同努力编写出了《警察实用英语口语教程》一书。 《警察实用英语口语教程》为普及英语日常口语和警察勤务英语的基础教材,旨在培养广大民警和公安院校在校生的英语日常会话能力以及处理涉外事件的交际能力。 该教程编排合理,循序渐进,内容丰富,由浅入深,突出公安特色,符合教材规范,具有一定的创新性。该教程共有29个单元,分日常生活用语和警察勤务英语两部分,涵盖了日常生活和警察执勤中常用的基本句型和情景对话,每个单元由句型和对话组成。
前言Section One Everyday EnglishUnit 1 Greetings and PartingsUnit 2 Making IntroductionsUnit 3 Asking the WayUnit 4 Talking about the WeatherUnit 5 Making SuggestionsUnit 6 Making InvitationsUnit 7 Making Apologies and RepliesUnit 8 Seeing a DoctorUnit 9 Asking for and Offering HelpUnit 10 Making AppointmentsUnit 11 ShoppingUnit 12 At the Post Office and BankUnit 13 Making ComplimentsUnit 14 Making Telephone CallsUnit 15 Eating and DrinkingUnit 16 TravelUnit 17 Sports and Olympic GamesUnit 18 TransportationSection Two Police EnglishUnit 19 Police in ChinaUnit 20 Reporting CrimesUnit 21 PatrolUnit 22 Traffic ControlUnit 23 PunishmentUnit 24 Interviewing Witnesses, Victims and SuspectsUnit 25 Juvenile DelinquencyUnit 26 Auto CrimeUnit 27 Economic CrimeUnit 28 Exit and Entry AdministrationUnit 29 Security CheckAppendix 1 GlossaryAppendix 2 ProverbsAppendix 3 Useful Expressions for Different SituationsAppendix 4 Chinese Police Ranks
A:I m going downtown to do some shopping this after-noon. Is there anything I can get for you? B:Yes, you can get me a bunch of flowers for my wife ifit isnt too much trouble. A:No trouble. But you know, I m not good at shop- ping. Why dont you come with me? B:That s a good idea. Could you give me a lift? A: Sure. I 11 pick you up at your house at about 1:00 p.m. Actually, Sara is coming with us, too. B:Thats good. Shopping is right up her alley. A: Yes. See you then. B: Good-bye now. A: Excuse me, Sir. I m wondering if you can help me. B:Sure, Id be glad to have a try. What can I do for you? A:Can you tell me when the next train leaves for HongKong? Im not sure how to read this timetable. B :It looks like one leaves at 12:15. A:Thank you very much. I couldnt figure it out.What time is it now?