

恽瑛主编 东南大学出版社









恽瑛教授领导的课题组在物理教学方面从事研究工作已有近20年的历史。数年前,他们在多年教学研究实践的基础上创设了“双语物理导论”这一多学科集成的课程,以使大学低年级学生尽早具备阅读英文教材、物理文献的能力,培养学生能够早日具有参加课题研究的能力。这是一项非常有意义的工作。该课题组在开展此项教学研究工作中,精心制作了《大学物理多媒体光盘》(英文版),并多次修改完善,在多年的教学实践中收到了很好的教学效果。同时,此套教学用光盘也得到了不少国内外知名物理学家的赞许。最近,该课题组又正式推出了“双语物理导论”课程的依托教材——《Bilingual Physics with Multimedia》(《大学物理引论(双语多媒体教材)》)。该教材将动态的视频、音频的光盘,与静态的英文文字教材有机结合起来,是一项新颖而有益的尝试。此外,该教材还辅以适度的参考译文及英语词汇,这些译文和词汇是编者们根据多年的教学实践而编纂的,相信会对我国的双语教学有所帮助和促进。在此,我愿向广大的物理教师推荐此教材,并祝各位教师在采用此教材的双语物理教学中取得更多的业绩!




Chapter 1 Vectors矢量 I.CD-ROMCD-ROM 1-1 Angular Velocity Vector CD-ROM 1-2 Inertial Centrifugal ForceII.Selected Materials1-1 Vectors and Scalars1-2 Addition and Subtraction of the Vectors by Geometrical Methods1-3 Analytic Method for Adding Vectors:Components1-4 The Scalar Product1-5 The Vector ProductAppendix:The Cartesian Representation of the Product of Two VectorsⅢ.参考译文Reference Translations(a)矢量和标量(b)矢量积译文注释(以下各章的参考译文中皆有“译文注释”,不另列出)Ⅳ.英语词汇English VocabularyV.课外作业HomeworkChapter 2 Relative Motion 相对运动Center of Mass质心I.CD-ROMCD-ROM 1-3:Relative MotionCD-ROM 1-4 Center of MassⅡ.Selected Materials2-1 Reference Frames and Coordinate Systems2-2 Relative Velocity2-3 Center of Mass Ⅲ.参考译文Reference Translations(a)参考系和坐标系(b)质心Ⅳ.英语词汇English VocabularyV.课外作业。HomeworkChapter 3 Momentum and Energy动量和能量I.CD-ROMCD-ROM 1-5 Theorem of Linear MomentumCD-ROM 1-6ConservatiOn of Linear MomentumII.Selected Materials3-1 Linear Momentum3-2 Conservation of Linear Momentum3-3、Rocket3-4 Work and Energy3-5 Work and Power3-6 Kinetic Energy and Work-Energy Theorem3-7 Potential Energy3-8 Law、of Conservation of Mechanical EnergyⅢ.参考译文Reference Translations(a)线动量(b)机械能守恒定律Ⅳ.英语词汇English VocabularyV.课外作业HomeworkChapter 4 Motion of Rigid Body刚体的运动I.CD-ROMCD-ROM 1-7 Moment of InertiaCD-ROM 1-8 Conservation of Angular MomentumCD-ROM 1-9 PrecessionⅡ.Selected Materials4-1 Rotational Motion Angular Quantities4-2 Torque Moment of Inertia4-3 Angular Momentum4-4 Conservation of Angular MomentumⅢ.参考译文Reference Translations(a)转动角量Ⅳ.英语词汇English VocabularyV.课外作业HomeworkChapter 5 Simple Harmonic Motion 简谐运动I.CD-ROMCD-ROM 1-10 Simple Harmonic MotionCD-ROM 1-11 Superposition of SHMS in the Same DirectionCD-ROM 1-12 Superposition of Two SHMS in Perpendicular DirectionsII.Selected Materials5-1 Periodic Motion5-2 Simple Harmonic Motion5-3 Equations of Simple Harmonic Motion 5-4 Relation between SHM and Uniform Circular MotionⅢ.参考译文Reference Translations(a)周期运动(b)简谐运动Ⅳ.英语词汇English VocabularyV.课外作业HomeworkChapter 6 Wave Motion波动I.CD-ROMCD-ROM 2-1 Principle of Superposition for WavesCI)-ROM 2-2Interference of Waves Coherent WavesCD-ROM 2-3Superposition of Two Coherent Waves with Different PhaseDifferenceCD-ROM 2——4 Standing WavesCI)_ROM 2-5 Phase Shift(Half Wave Loss)CD-ROM 2——6 Doppler EffectII.Selected Materials6-1Introduction6-2 Wavelength and Frequency of Periodic Wave Trains6-3Relative Phases of Sinusoidal Wave Trains6-4 Superposition of Waves Interference6-5 Standing WavesⅢ.参考译文Reference Translations(a)引言Ⅳ.英语词汇English VocabularyV.课外作业HomeworkChapter 7 Interference of Light光的干涉I.CD-ROMCD-ROM 2-7 Optical Path and Optical Path DifferenceCD-ROM-2-8 Young’s Interference ExperimentCD-ROM 2-9Interference by Thin FilmⅡ.Selected Materials7-1 The Wave Nature of Light7-2 Index of Refraction and Speed of Light7-3 Young's Double-Slit Experiment7-4 Thin Film Interference7-5 Antireflection CoatingⅢ.参考译文Reference Translations(a)薄膜的干涉Ⅳ.英语词汇English VocabularyV.课外作业Homework心Chapter 8 Diffraction of Light光的衍射I.CD-ROMCD-ROM 2-10 Michelson InterferometerCD-ROM 2-11 Grating DiffractionII.Selected Materiats8-1 Diffraction and the Wave Theory of Light8-2 Diffraction by a Single-Slit8-3 Diffraction Grating8-4 HolographyⅢ.参考译文Reference Translations(a)衍射和光的波动理论Ⅳ.英语词汇English VocabularyV.课外作业HomeworkChapter 9 Polarization of Light光的偏振I.CD-ROMCD-ROM 2-12 Polarization of LightⅡ.Selected Materials9-1 Polarization……Chapter 10 Electromagnetism(I) 电磁学(I)Chapter 11 Electromagnetism(II) 电磁学(II)Chapter 12 Spcial Relativity 狭义相对论Wave-Particle Duality波粒二象性Chapter 13 Potential Well势阱Potential Barrier势垒Chapter 14 Laser 激光Semiconductor半导体Chapter 15 Nuclear Physics核物理Index索引References参考文献


插图:Questions for Thinking(1) As shown in Fig. A and B are made of the same material and of the same size. Cylinder A is a whole block while B is the combination of two coaxial cylinders (no friction and space between the two coaxial cylinders). A and B are now released at the top of an inclined plane, and rotate without slipping. Which one will go faster?(2.) Three rods are made of the same material, of the same length and mass, their cross sections are shown in Fig. Which has the largest moment of inertia about an axis passing its center of mass arid perpendicular to its cross section? Which has the smallest?Answers(1) Moment of inertia of B < Moment of inertia of A. Cylinder B rotates faster than cylinder A, they are acted on by equal torques.(2) B has the largest moment of inertia, and A has the smallest. CD-ROM 1-8 conservation of Angular MomentumTeaching Objectives(1) Use demonstration apparatus to show vividly the phenomena of and the conditions for the Law of the Conservation of Angular Momentum.






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