《高等学校最新商务英语系列教材:商务英语写作》可以作为本专科英语专业、国际经济与贸易专业、涉外文秘专业、对外汉语专业及其他涉外专业的应用写作教材。《高等学校最新商务英语系列教材:商务英语写作》同时可以作为企业在职人员培训时使用,以及有志于从事国际商务活动的人士自学之用。 《高等学校最新商务英语系列教材:商务英语写作》共由16个单元组成,每单元均由相关知识与写作指南、示范阅读、注释和交际园地等部分组成。相关知识和写作指南部分详细介绍了与主题相关的知识和写作原则。示范阅读部分主要选取了具有代表性的范例供读者阅读与赏析,在阅读中体味与把握写作原则和要领。注释部分包括一些常用词汇和表达方式以及对文中一些要点的补充。交际园地部分包括筒答题和案例分析。简答题旨在帮助读者进一步理清写作原则与要领,案例部分则给读者提供了分析解决实际问题的机会,提高写作技能和水平。 全书共16个单元,用作全日制学生的教材时,建议一周开设2个课时,每2~3个课时讲解一个单元。此外,由于《高等学校最新商务英语系列教材:商务英语写作》涵括内容较广,教师可根据自己学校的专业特点和相关课程开设情况酌情选讲,自行安排讲解课时和顺序。
Unit 1 Memos1.1 The Layout of Memos1.2 The Planning of Memos1.3 The Tone of Memos1.4 Presentation of Content1.5 Effective Memo Checklist1.6 Sample Memos1.7 Notes1.8 Communication LaboratoryUnit 2 Notices2.1 Formats of Notices2.2 The Layout of Notices2.3 How to Write a Notice2.4 Sample Notices2.5 Notes2.6 Communication LaboratoryUnit 3 Invitations3.1 Categories of Invitations3.2 The Layout of Invitations3.3 Sample Invitations3.4 Notes3.5 Communication LaboratoryUnit 4 Toasts4.1 The Layout of Toasts4. :2 The Planning of Toasts4.3 The Tone of Toasts4.4 Presentation of Content4.5 Effective Toast Checklist4.6 Sample Toasts4.7 Notes4.8 Communication LaboratoryUnit 5 Minutes5.1 The Layout of Meeting Minutes5.2 Dos and Donts in Meeting Minutes Writing5.3 Sample Minutes5.4 Notes5.5 Communication LaboratoryUnit 6 Itineraries6.1 The Layout of Itineraries6.2 The Planning of Itineraries6.3 The Tone of Itineraries6.4 Presentation of Itineraries6.5 Effective Itinerary Checklist6.6 Sample Itineraries6.7 Notes6.8 Communication LaboratoryUnit 7 Forms and Diagrams7.1 Types of Forms7.2 Types of Diagrams7.3 Notes7.4 Communication LaboratoryUnit 8 Proposals8.1 Introduction8.2 The Parts of a Proposal8.3 Sample Proposals8.4 Notes8.5 Communication LaboratoryUnit 9 Reports9.1 Categories of Reports9.2 Steps of Report Writing9.3 The Layout of Reports9.4 Sample Reports9.5 Notes9.6 Communication LaboratoryUnit 10 Articles10.1 The Format of Business Articles10.2 Four-Step Approach for Article Writing10.3 Writing Guide10.4 Sample Articles10.5 Notes10.6 Communication LaboratoryUnit 11 Business Advertisements11.1 Categories of Advertisements11.2 Components of Advertisement Copy11.3 English in Advertising11.4 Sample Advertisements11.5 Notes11.6 Communication LaboratoryUnit 12 Business Profiles12.1 The Layout of Business ProfileS12.2 Sample Business Profiles12.3 Notes12.4 Communication LaboratoryUnit 13 Resumes and Letters of Application13.1 Resumes13.2 Letters of Application13.3 Notes13.4 Communication LaboratoryUnit 14 Certificates and Credentials14.1 The Layout of Certificates and Credentials14.2 Sample Certificates and Credentials14.3 Notes14.4 Communication LaboratoryUnit 15 Public Signs15.1 The Layout of Public Signs15.2 The Planning of Public Signs15.3 The Tone of Public Signs15.4 Presentation of Public Signs15.5 Effective Public Sign Checklist15.6 Sample Public Signs15.7 Notes15.8 Communication LaboratoryUnit 16 Questionnaires16.1 The Steps Required to Design and Administer a Questionnaire16.2 Points Considered when Writing and Interpreting Questionnaires16.3 Sample Questionnaires16.4 Notes16.5 Communication LaboratoryReferences