

罗亦君 编 上海外语教育出版社





罗亦君 编  




  根据教育部有关大学英语教学的新精神,结合大学英语教学的特点与现状以及21世纪社会、经济发展对大学英语教学提出的新要求,我们精心编写了本套《通用大学英语》教程(含《听说教程》和《读写教程》)。本套教程着眼于加强学生的英语基本功训练、提高其语言综合运用能力、培养其科学和人文精神。  一、编写原则  1.努力贯彻教育部新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行)的精神, 同时注意与全国研究生入学英语统一考试的要求相衔接;  2.借鉴已有的一些大学英语教材的编写经验,继承优良传统,反映新 世纪大学英语教学的新发展和新要求;  3.精选课文,确保语言的规范性和文章的思想性、现代性、可读性及 趣味性,体现科学和人文精神的相互结合;  4.注重系统的语言基础训练和综合能力培养,突出听、说、读、写、译 的训练;  5.《听说教程》运用当代英语教学最有效的模式,遵循语言教育规律, 突出交际教学法,倡导教学互动和学生自主学习,既可先听后说,又 可听说并重,强调信息输入,提高输出能力;  6.《读写教程》注重文章的阅读理解和写、译的系统训练,强调打好语 言基础和训练学生的语言基本功;  7.课文精练,练习适量,以好教、好学、效果好为原则。全套教程通 过控制词汇量、语篇的长度和难度、听力材料的语速和语流等方式, 循序渐进,合理地设计难度。  二、学生用书的结构和编写特点  1.《听说教程》共四册,每册八个单元,各单元由两篇课文组成,每篇课文包括四个部分:  Part A:技能训练,重点是让学生了解、掌握听力技巧;  Part B:课内听说训练,听的部分由两个文本组成,每个文本下分设  两个练习题;说的部分以话题为基础,由学生自主进行练习;  Part C:课外听说训练,巩固听力与会话技能;




UNIT 1 ON LEADERSHIPText A Grant and LeeText B What It Takes to Be a LeaderUNIT 2 PARENTINGText A Motherly and Fatherly LoveText Daddy Tucked the BlanketUNIT 3 THE POWER OF THE WRITTEN WORDText A Moon on a Silver SpoonText B The Future of ReadingUNIT 4 BUSINESS ENGLISHText A We Are Tongue-tiedText B Doing Business AbroadTEST PAPER ONEUNIT 5 FEMINIST ISSUESText A Gun CrazyText B To Be a Woman and a ScholarUNIT 6 LANGUAGE STYLESText A Your Speech Is ChangingText B "Yonders My Best Friend"UNIT 7 INVENTIONSText A From the Stone Age to the Phone AgeText B Cool!UNIT 8 WHAT Is HAPPINESS,9Text A Competition and HappinessText B The Secret of True HappinessTEST PAPER TWOAPPENDIXGlossary


  Dear Mr. Jones:  I have recently learned from the Journal of Medical Science that you have openings for cancer researchers. Please consider me as a candidate for these positions.  As you may see from my resume, I have a B.S. degree in biology and have worked for two years in the field of cell growth and division. In the course of my research, I have devel- oped a strong interest in the early detection of cancer cells and have published several papers on the subject.  I believe I can be of value to your institute. I am ready to provide you with any other information you may need as well as excellent personal references.  Thank you very much for your time and consideration.  Sincerely yours,  Tim Baldwin  Applying for a position as an assistant secretary  Dear Sir:  Having noticed the inclosed advertisement in the Business Review, I wish to apply for the position referred to.  I have just graduated from Commercial College in which I majored in International Trading. English has always been my favorite and best subject at school. My English scores were always in the top ten of my class of fifty. I have learned to operate Telex and I can type either in English or in Chinese. Although I have no other work experience than two years part-time job in an export company in summer, I am willing to work hard and learn.  Id very much appreciate the chance to talk to you and to get your opinion on whether I am qualified for the job you offer.


  贯彻教育部最新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行)的精神、满足新时期国家和社会对人才培养的要求、符合大学英语教学的特点与现状  由《读写教程》和《听说教程》各四册组成,以好教、好学为目标,符合因材施教、分类指导和个性化教学的原则  注重培养学生的英语综合应用能力,尤其是听说能力,强调打好语言基础和训练语言基本功,提倡教学互动,培养学生的自主学习能力  选材精当,内容新颖,注重加强学生的人文知识素养,培养跨文化交流意识,适应新的大学英语课程教学要求  全套教程配有相应的录音磁带、光盘和多媒体电子课件等,既方便教师教学。也便于学生自学




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