李建华 编
“大学生英语活页文选”系列为上海外语教育出版社为大学生精心编写的一套英语阅读丛书,包括财经、经贸、法律等多个专业。每个专业包括初级、中级和高级,旨在拓宽学生的阅读视野,并将英语学习与专业学习有机地融为一体。 《农科英语趣文阅读(中级)》精选农科类文章30篇,供农科类大学生使用,也可供具有相当水平的外语学习者阅读。本书兼顾知识性、专业性、文学性、趣味性和实用性,特点鲜明: ●权威性强,语言地道,大部分文章选自国外原版刊物、网站,并儿除了少数删节,并没有做任何修改,使读者能读到真实的农科英语 ●时代感强,选文大多都发表于近几年,牢牢把握近几年农科领域的热点 ●选材新颖,视点独特,分析探讨了害虫防治、疯牛病、宠物饲养、果树栽培等问题 ●每篇文章后都配有相应的阅读理解和词汇练习,供学生检测自己的阅读理解能力
In Praise of Family PoultryInvite Kitty to Our HouseFor the Love of Companion BirdCaring for Your CatThe Fun of Feeding HummingbirdsThe Great EscapeInsect Aggregations: The Phenomenon Itself, Why It Occurs, and Its Implications to Us,New Insect Order Found in Southern AfricaWeed WarsSummer's Worst PestsHow to Protect Your Fruit TreesThe Last Beach Chimp Comes to Monkey WorldBackyard Wildlife: Making It Come AliveThe Incredible World of MammalsFall Is for PumpkinsProtecting the Food chainFor You, the ConsumerShort Apple Trees, Faster and HealthierOf Fuzzy Moth and "Food Security" .Coming to Terms with the Problem of Global MeatCattle Futures?Fertilizer and the FutureConstruction Damage: Causes and RemediesFriendly BurialRethinking Higher Agricultural EducationNew Farmers and New FarmingThe Pros and Cons of Modern FarmingSame Bugs, New BusinessPlastic Mulch : Harmful or Helpful?Information Technology: What It Means for Agriculture Situation and Emerging DevelopmentsKey to Exercises