普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材于2000年正式出版发行。由于该套教材充分利用国内外英语教学科研成果,全面体现高职高专英语教学规律,突出“五项创新”,深受广大师生欢迎。为了使这套教材更加完善,上海外语教育出版社组织我国四所高职名校,即深圳职业技术学院、上海第二工业大学、北京联合大学和华东师范大学职业技术学院的英语骨干教师组成阵容强大的编写班子,利用调查表和座谈会的形式,广泛征求用户和专家的意见和建议,并按照教育部高等教育司颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程基本要求》,结合高职高专英语教学实际,在保留教材原有特色的基础上,对教材作了全面修订。《新世纪高职高专英语》(综合教程)(第四册)在以下几个方面作了改进: 一、更新了三分之一的课文,使课文内容更加引人入胜、体裁更加多种多样、语言点更加切合教学实际;增加了Read More部分的内容,并确保每个单元围绕伺一主题展开。 二、根据《基本要求》所附的词汇表和英美出版的英语单词词频统计,控制每课生词的数量、安排生词出现的顺序及重现的频率,并在每单元New Words后标注了生词量、生词率、纲内词、纲外词等信息,使学生更主动地把握词汇学习规律,提高教学效果。 三、对练习题进行了较大的修改,减少了多项选择题型的数量,增加实际运用英语的题型,以提高学生的英语应用能力。 四、根据《基本要求》中的“语言技能表”,第四册训练写作技巧。这部分讲解言简意赅,强涮技巧的实际应用,并通过相关练习加以掌握。 五、根据《基本要求》中的“交际范围表”,继续安排了Practical Reading和PracticalWriting两项内容,进一步提高学生英语应用能力水平。 六、为了突出主题学习,同时便于学生课外自学,提高学生学习兴趣,每单元后面介绍了相关的英语网站,教师可将学生分成小组,就本单元主题在因特网上搜索信息,并加以整理,然后在课堂上通过PowerPoint等方式加以展示。 七、在每单元后增加了Memorable Quotes,精选一些语言优美、内容健康的警句、格言等,供学生课后背诵,起到陶冶情操、丰富知识、提高语言水平的作用。 八、根据编者的教学实践和用户的意见反馈,纠正原书中的错误。 另外,与教材配套的《教师用书》、《练习册》、《听力教程》也作了修订,并将《教师用书》和《教案》合并为《教师手册》,使教学更加方便。
Unit1 MajorUnit2 InflationUnit3 InternshipUnit4 LawyerUnit5 TransportationUnit6 BusinessmenUnit7 MarketingUnit8 Study AbroadUnit9 SuccessUnit10 A Mystery in an Old CivilizationGlossary
a)Achieving a score of 6.0 in the IELTS English Language Test before startingyour course in September 2005. To this end a place has been reserved for youon our English Plus course, starting 8 January 2005 and finishing 15 June 2005. b)Returning the enclosed Acceptance Form.In addition, at the same time as your English Plus course, the Admissions Tutorfor BA (Hons) Accounting will require you to attend and satisfactorily complete Ac-counting module AC 2004. The Admissions Tutor will provide details shortly afteryou have enrolled, in January 2005.The Admissions Tutor for BA (Hons) Accounting has thoroughly examined yourapplication together with the accompanying documents and is satisfied that theadmission requirements for this course have been entirely fulfilled, subject to theconditions stipulated above. The course is taught in our Universitys Business School.The English Plus course is taught in our School of Humanities, Languages andSocial Sciences.Our University has a policy of offering accommodation in our halls of residenceto all overseas applicants. This applies throughout the whole duration of their studies,not just for year one of their course. I am, therefore, delighted to be able to offer youaccommodation in one of our halls of residence. The accommodation charges for2004-2005 will be between f.1,582 and f1,992 per annum depending on the type ofhall of residence.You should note that the British Council recommends that you allow ~6,000 tocover your living expenses, including accommodation costs mentioned above, for aten-month course in the UK (standard academic year).The tuition fees for the course on which you have been accepted will bef6,050 for academic year 2004-2005. A small increase, in line with inflation, is likelyfor academic year 2005-2006.In order to comply with national and University regulations all students arerequired to complete a UCAS Application Form or a Late UCAS Registration Form.In order to save time we shall complete this form for you and sign it on your behalf.The University will also pay for you the f5.00 single entry application fee.
深圳职业技术学院上海第二工业大学,北京联合大学,华东师范大学职业技术学院共同编写 外教社《新世纪高职高专英语》(修订版)依托国内四大高职名校优秀师资,以服务全国高职院校、着重培养学生英语综合运用能力和高职英语实用能力为修订原则,以编写和出版质量至上的精品为宗旨。 《听说教程?学生用书》(修订版)全面贯彻《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》,遵循英语教学基本规律,吸收国内外先进教学理念,兼顾《高等学校应用能力考试》所需要的应试技巧。 《听说教程?学生用书》(修订版)每单元多项听说活动围绕一个表达主题展开,由浅入深,让学生轻轻松松掌握语言技能,同时注重提高学生的学习效率,紧密结合《综合教程》(修订版),将听、说、读、写有机地融为一体。 《听说教程?学生用书》(修订版)坚持以学生为本、师生互动、自主学习的指导思想,充分体现时代特色和高职特色,体例活泼新颖,图文并茂,寓教于乐。 外教社欢迎全国高职高专院校选用《新世纪高职高专英语》(修订版)!