书摘1889年—1894年 在一个潮湿阴冷的夜晚,伦敦街头,5岁的查理·卓别林紧紧抓着他母亲的手。他迅速朝前走,以跟上母亲紧张的步伐。查理知道,汉娜·卓别林要在杂耍戏院演出,她不想迟到。如果她的表演不能按时开始,人们将会粗鲁地闹翻天。查理经常看见观众们对冒犯了他们的演员发出嘘声,加以嘲弄。有时候,如果一些观众喝多了,他们就会往舞台上扔烂水果和旧鞋子。 杂耍戏院也叫综艺剧院,是当时英格兰工人阶级喜欢去的娱乐场所。里面的演出包括各种不同的娱乐形式。单单一个晚上杂耍戏院的观众们就可以观赏到唱歌、舞蹈、哑剧,特别是滑稽剧。滑稽剧是喜剧表演的一种,其特色是喧嚣的打闹、恶作剧以及其他引人发笑的形体表演,如扔馅饼。 查理·卓别林的母亲是一名歌手。她在舞台上的名字叫莉莉·哈利。观众们喜欢她秀丽的外表和动听优美的嗓音。然而,那天晚上汉娜感觉嗓子有些干燥嘶哑。潮湿的天气影响了她的声带,她担心可能会唱不好。为了照顾查理和他9岁的哥哥西德尼,她最好能够唱下去,否则他们就都没有饭吃了。 一走进戏院的后门,汉娜·卓别林就放开儿子的手,冲进更衣室穿上她的演出服。尽管后台乱糟糟地摆满了各种道具,演员们来来回回到处走动,汉娜一点也不担心把查理一个人丢下不管。查理在3岁的时候就被父母带进了戏院,他已经习惯了在后台闲逛。后台工作人员和演员们总是对这个彬彬有礼、穿着整齐的小孩子微笑。他们常常在极度忙乱的准备工作中停一小会儿,拍拍这个孩子的头,跟他打招呼。有时,他们也会给查理甜饼或糖果吃。大多数时候,查理静静地站在后台的侧面,观看母亲的表演。 查理有很多时间都在听母亲唱歌,因此记住了她全部的曲目。同时他也学唱其他演员的歌,这不仅仅是为了打发在后台的时间,而且因为他喜欢这些唱词和音乐。 1889年,查理·斯宾塞·卓别林生于伦敦,他一直感受到家人的关爱和保护。但是,在1894年的这个夜晚,一切都改变了。当他的母亲穿着长长的褶裙和天鹅绒外套走上台时,平时吵闹的观众安静了下来。莉莉·哈利开始唱起来。当她唱到一首优美的民谣的高音部时,她的嗓音突然变哑了。一个粗鲁的观众开始吹口哨。莉莉又试了一次,还是不行。她不禁哭了出来,朝杂耍戏院老板投去求助的目光。但是老板没有理她,冲进了后台。让莉莉吃惊的是,他把她的儿子一在舞台侧面闷闷不乐地看着这一切的小查理拽了出来。 汉娜倒在一个同情她的演员怀中,心急如焚的老板挥手示意,把她赶下了舞台,并鼓励查理唱任何他想唱的歌。当这个小男孩勇敢地走向舞台中央的时候,闹哄哄的观众停止了嘘声,吃惊地瞪着他。没有人知道,这么小的一个演员能带来什么样的演出。 趁着这短暂的安静间歇,查理开始唱一首名叫“杰克·琼斯”的流行歌曲。他晃着肩膀,像大人一样大摇大摆地走路,把观众们给逗乐了。他们爆发出阵阵赞赏的欢呼声,为这个勇敢的小演员喝彩。查理唱了一首又一首他在舞台侧面多次听到的歌,这些歌曲讲述了或悲伤或可笑的故事。观众们对这些歌也很熟悉,于是他们拍着手,跺着脚,加入到合唱中来。 很快,查理又开始模仿他从舞台上看来的舞蹈演员的动作,跳起了舞。虽然没有音乐伴奏,他仍抬起脚,按着自己的节拍或轻或重地踩着地面,边走边形成了舞步。查理甚至以模仿他的母亲来结束表演,他在唱到一首歌的中间时,嗓音突然像他母亲一样变哑。观众们笑着尖叫起来。 突然,查理觉得脸颊被什么东西打了一下。他很害怕,以为观众们朝他扔东西了。确实如此。被这个男孩的表演逗乐了的观众们把硬币扔向舞台,要他多唱几首。查理很高兴地满足了他们的要求。他完全陶醉了。他捡起所有的硬币,继续他的演出,直到他的母亲把他带下台去。 汉娜·卓别林从此再也没有在舞台上露过面。她的杂耍戏院生涯从此结束了,但也就是在那一晚,一个新星诞生了。在5岁的时候,查理·卓别林初次登台亮相。 1889 - 1894 ON A DAMP, CHILLY LONDON NIGHT, FIVE-YEAR-OLD Charlie Chaplin clasped his mother's hand tightly. He quickly pro-pelled himself along, keeping up with her nervous pace. Charlie knew thatHannah Chaplin did not want to be late for her performance at the musichall. If the show didn't start on time, the crowd would become rude andnoisy. Charlie had frequently seen patrons hiss and jeer at entertainerswho displeased them. Sometimes, if a few spectators had had too much todrink, they would throw rotten fruit and old shoes onto the stage. Music halls, also called vaudeville, were a popular form of enter-tainment for working people in England at the time. Shows consisted ofvarious types of entertainment. In a single night, music hall audienceswould be treated to singing, dancing, pantomime, and especially slap-stick -- a type of comedy featuring horseplay, pranks, and other physicalhumor, such as pie-throwing. Charlie Chaplin's mother was a singer. Onstage, she was known asLily Harley. Audiences loved her dainty appearance and her sweet, deli-cate voice. This night, however, Hannah's throat felt dry and scratchy.The damp weather had irritated her vocal chords, and she worried thatshe mightsing badly. With both Charlie and his nine-year-old brother,Sydney, to care for, she had better be able to sing -- or there would beno supper for any of them. As soon as they entered the back door of the music hall, Hannah Chaplin dropped her son's hand and hurried to the dressing room to put on her costume. Though the backstage area was cluttered with props and performers moving inevery direction, Hannah was not afraid to leave Charlie on his own.Charlie's parents had first brought him to the theater at age three, and hehad become accustomed to wandering around backstage. The stagehandsand entertainers always smiled at the polite, neatly dressed child. Oftenthey paused in their frantic preparations to greet him with a pat on thehead. Sometimes they gave Charlie a cookie or piece of candy to nibbleon. Most of the time, Charlie stood quietly in the wings, watching hismother perform. Charlie spent so much time listening to his mother sing that he hadmemorized her entire repertoire. He also learned other performers'songs, not just because it seemed to make his time backstage move faster,but also because he enjoyed the words and the music. Born in London in 1889, Charles Spencer Chaplin felt loved andprotected. But on this night in 1894, everything changed. As his mothercame onstage in her long ruffled skirt and velvet jacket, the usually noisyaudience became still and quiet. Lily Harley started to sing. As she reachedfor the high notes of a beautiful ballad, her voice suddenly cracked. Arude customer began to whistle. Lily tried again, only to fail once more.She broke down in tears and looked to the music hall owner for help, buthe ignored her and darted backstage. To Lily's surprise, he then draggedout her son, who had been watching unhappily in the wings. Encouraging Charlie to sing any song he wanted, the desperate manwaved Hannah off the stage, where she collapsed in the arms of a sym-pathetic performer. As the small boy advanced bravely to the center ofthe stage, the unruly audience stopped booing and stared in astonishment. No one knew what to expect from such a young performer. Charlie took advantage of the brief lull and began singing a popular melody called "Jack Jones." The way he moved his shoulders andstrutted around like someone much older delighted the crowd. They brokeinto a roar of appreciation, applauding the bold little performer. Charliegave them one song after another songs he had spent many hourslistening to from the wings of the theater. The songs told sad as well asfunny stories. People in the audience also knew the songs well, and theyjoined in on the choruses, clapped their hands, and stomped their feet. Soon Charlie started to dance, imitating the dancers he had seen onthe stage. Though he had no musical accompaniment, he lifted his feetand tapped and stomped to his own beat, making up the steps as hewent along. Charlie even concluded his performance with an imitationof his mother, letting his voice crack in the middle of a song just as shehad. The audience screamed with laughter. Suddenly Charlie felt something sting his cheek. He was terrified,thinking the customers were throwing things at him. They were. De-lighted with the boy's performance, the audience flung coins onstage,requesting more songs. Charlie was glad to comply. He was enjoyinghimself. He collected all the money, then went on with his act until hismother picked him up and carried him off the stage. Hannah Chaplin never appeared on stage again. Her music hall ca-reer was over, but that night a new performer was born. At age five,Charlie Chaplin had made his debut. P6-11