

奥康纳 上外教育











作为意大利文艺复兴时期最负盛名的艺术家,利奥纳多·达·芬奇创作了不少世界上最著名的绘画作品。他的《蒙娜丽莎》和《最后的晚餐》极大地影响并改变了欧洲画坛。 利奥纳多不仅是绘画大师、雕塑家,还是一名出类拔萃的科学家和发明家。从人体到光的运动,利奥纳多的研究范围无所不包。他发明了飞行器、兵器以及排水系统。他的创造天赋成就了他众多跨时代的辉煌。   《外教社人物传记丛书》系列是上海外语教育出版社从美国乐勒出版集团引进的一套奉献给广大青少年朋友的优秀传记丛书,适合高中生和大学一二年级学生阅读,其语言原汁原味,采用英汉对照的形式,注释详尽,便于阅读和学习。 全套丛书共分13册,人物包括美国开国元勋本杰明·富兰克林,著名黑人民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金,文豪莎士比亚,意大利文艺复兴巨匠达·芬奇,极具个人魅力的体育明星泰格·伍兹、穆罕默德·阿里、魔术师约翰逊,影视音乐界的巨星卓别林、史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格、玛丽莲·梦露、甲壳虫乐队,商界奇才比尔·盖茨,以及深受世人爱戴的戴安娜王妃等。阅读这些著名人物的传奇人生,可以帮助青少年朋友们了解西方不同时代的社会历史背景,更能够激励他们树立远大理想,以积极的态度直面人生的风雨。 本册为《外教社人物传记丛书》之《达·芬奇》。




作者的话一. 乡村男孩二. 拜师学艺三. 独立门户四. 扬名米兰五. 艺术家兼科学家六. 发明家七. 纷争四起八. 愉快的人九. 在法国后记利奥纳多的主要作品:今归何处主要作品收藏地利奥纳多名言年谱意大利文艺复兴时期的艺术大师


书摘15世纪中叶意大利一个平静的山坡上,一位少年正和他叔叔在错综盘结的葡萄藤和银绿色的橄榄树丛中漫步。他们身后便是芬奇村,矮小的石屋散布在一座古堡的四周。在他们脚下,阿尔诺河蜿蜒曲折地流过托斯卡纳山谷。 男孩和叔叔也许停下了脚步,捡拾一些石块和树枝准备带回家。他们可能在葡萄园里捕到了蜥蜴。也许他们就一直躺在麦田里遥望头顶掠过的飞鸟。日暮之际,他们沿着尘土飞扬的小路返回位于附近安伽阿尔诺小村的家。 这个男孩名叫利奥纳多。因为他的家族在芬奇村已世居多年,他们便将“达·芬奇”作为自己的姓氏,也就是意大利语中“来自芬奇村”的意思。这个男孩就是利奥纳多·达·芬奇。 回到家中的农舍后,利奥纳多可能会急忙把石块儿拿给祖父安东尼奥看,他还会把看到的飞鸟说给祖母蒙娜·露西娅听。随后,他可能坐到壁炉前听弗朗西斯科叔叔跟他讲如何将植物制成药材,如何靠白云来预测天气状况。利奥纳多十分仰慕弗朗西斯科,认为叔叔对自然界和周围的一切都无所不知。 有关利奥纳多孩童时代的资料极其匮乏,但有一件事却是毋庸置疑的:他出生于1452年4月15日晚上10时30分。祖父安东尼奥·达。芬奇将利奥纳多在村中教堂里接受洗礼的日子记录在皮制封面的家谱里。他这样写道:“上天赐给我一个孙子,我儿子塞·皮耶罗的儿子。”安东尼奥还将牧师和见证了洗礼的村民的名字一一加以记录,但却没有记下利奥纳多母亲卡塔玲娜的名字。当时她和塞·皮耶罗尚未婚配,因此小利奥纳多算是私生子。那时,人们在家谱中往往对私生子的母亲不予记录。 作为一名殷实的公证员,皮耶罗·达·芬奇能在名字前使用“塞”的称号。塞·皮耶罗为支付他丰厚薪酬的人准备合同和其他法律文件。塞·皮耶罗生性严厉,胸怀大志,繁忙的工作让他一直住在20英里外的佛罗伦萨,几乎没有时间来照顾利奥纳多。卡塔玲娜极有可能是位普普通通的农家少女,并不是塞·皮耶罗所希望迎娶的那种出身名门的妻子。在儿子出生几个月后,塞·皮耶罗娶佛罗伦萨一位公证员的女儿一阿碧拉·狄·乔凡尼·阿迈多瑞为妻。皮耶罗肯定认为阿碧拉更适合作像他这样富有的实业家的妻子。 利奥纳多的婴孩阶段多半是待在卡塔玲娜身边,离住在安伽阿尔诺村的祖父安东尼奥不远。卡塔玲娜和孩子有可能就住在由利奥纳多家人提供的小棚屋里。后来,大约在利奥纳多18个月大的时候,经达·芬奇家人的安排,卡塔玲娜嫁给了一个绰号“骂街狂”的干体力活的人。婚后,卡塔玲娜和丈夫搬到了临近的村子,年幼的利奥纳多则留在了年迈的祖父母安东尼奥和蒙娜·露西娅身边。 达·芬奇家的长辈们悉心照料利奥纳多,而塞·皮耶罗的弟弟弗朗西斯科则给予了幼小的利奥纳多需要的陪伴和关爱。弗朗西斯科是一个和善的年轻人,对自己的乡村生活方式颇为知足,看管家族农场的工作也让他乐在其中。在照管庄稼和牲口时他很愿意将利奥纳多带在身边做伴。忙完农活后,他俩便会到田野和树林问探奇。弗朗西斯科可能回答了充满好奇的小利奥纳多的各种问题,比如:地上的野草药叫什么名字?丛林中的小动物怎么生存?四季有何差别?天气什么时候开始变化等等。和弗朗西斯科一同在山坡间徜徉时,利奥纳多一定对大自然有了初步的了解:叶子的形状、天空的颜色、鸟儿的飞翔,以及岩石间流淌的溪流。 在叔叔和祖父母关爱中长大的利奥纳多也许对于父母的概念颇感茫然。在嫁给“骂街狂”后没多久,卡塔玲娜有了另外一个孩子,不久后又生了3个孩子。利奥纳多很可能在一些特殊的场合,比如节庆或是集市的时候在芬奇村看到过自己的生母和她的孩子。那些短暂的相遇可能是年幼的利奥纳多和母亲唯一有过的接触。父亲塞·皮耶罗一直忙于繁忙的生意以及照料在佛罗伦萨的新婚妻子,根本没有时间来照顾利奥纳多。他会往家里寄一些抚养费,但很少回芬奇村探访,偶尔回去也总是来去匆匆。 作为一名成功的公证员的儿子,利奥纳多应该被送到佛罗伦萨最好的学校接受教育。在那儿,他可以学习文学、拉丁文、几何和物理。他也会被要求停止用左手写字,因为左撇子在那时被认为是被恶魔附体的人。然而,像利奥纳多这样的私生子却没有资格接受如此规格的教育。相反,他只能由乡村牧师、叔叔或祖父来教他。他学会了读书和写字,还会用算盘进行基本的算术。也许他还读过《圣经》中的一些章节,但他依旧用左手写字。 ON A PEACEFUL HILLSIDE IN ITALY IN THE MIDDLE OF the 1400s, a young boy strolled with his uncle among the tangledgrapevines and silvery-green olive trees. Above them was the village ofVinci, with its small stone houses huddled around an ancient castle.Below them, the Amo River wound its way through the Tuscan Valley. The boy and his uncle may have stopped to gather rocks and plantsto carry home. They might have captured lizards in the vineyards. Perhapsthey just lay on their backs in the wheat fields and studied the birds thatflew above them. At the end of the day, the two made their way back upthe dusty road to the family farm in the nearby hamlet of Anchiano. The boy's name was Leonardo. Because his family had lived in thetown of Vinci for many generations, they had taken the surname "daVinci," Italian for "of Vinci." The boy, then, was Leonardo da Vinci. Back in his family's farmhouse, Leonardo might have hurried toshow his rocks to his grandfather, Antonio. He might have told hisgrandmother, Monna Lucia, about the birds he had seen. Then he mayhave sat by the fireplace and listened to his Uncle Francesco tell himabout how some plants could be used for medicine or how the cloudscould help a person predict the weather. Leonardo adored Francescoand must have thought his uncle knew all there was to know about na-ture and the world around him. Although there are few documented facts about Leonardo's childhood, one thing is certain. He was born on April 15, 1452, at 10:30 P.M. His grandfather, Antonio da Vinci, entered the date and time in the family's leather-bound book when Leonardo was baptized in the village church. "There was born to me a grandson, the child of Ser Piero my son," hewrote. Antonio also entered the names of the priest and the villagerswho witnessed the baptism. He did not, however, record the name ofLeonardo's mother, Caterina. She and Ser Piero were not married, sobaby Leonardo was considered illegitimate. In those days, it was notunusual for the mother to be omitted from the family records if she hadgiven birth to an illegitimate child. Piero da Vinci's status as a wealthy notary allowed him to use thetitle "Ser" before his name. As a notary, Ser Piero prepared contractsand other legal documents for people who paid him well. Ser Piero wasa stern and ambitious man whose career kept him in Florence, twentymiles away, and left little time for raising Leonardo. Caterina was mostlikely a peasant, not from the kind of reputable family that Ser Pieroexpected to marry into. Within months after his son's birth, Ser Pieromarried Albiera di Giovanni Amadori, the daughter of a Florentine notary.He must have considered Albiera a more suitable wife for a well-to-dobusinessman like himself. It seems likely that the infant Leonardo stayed with Caterina, closeto his grandfather Antonio in Anchiano. He and Caterina may even havelived in a cottage provided for them by Leonardo's family. Later,however, possibly when Leonardo was about eighteen months old, theDa Vincis arranged for Caterina to marry a laborer nicknamed theQuarreler. After the marriage, Caterina went to live with her new hus-band in a nearby village. Young Leonardo was left with his aging grandparents, Antonio and Monna Lucia. The elder Da Vincis took good care of Leonardo, but it was Ser Piero's younger brother, Francesco, who gave Leonardo the time and attention the small boy needed. Francesco was a gentle young man, content with his country lifestyle and satisfied with overseeing the family farm. He was happy to haveLeonardo's company as he tended the crops and animals. When thechores were done, the two set off to explore the fields and woods. Itwas probably Francesco who answered the questions of a curious youngLeonardo. What were the names of the wild herbs in the fields? How didthe small creatures in the woods survive? How were the seasons different?When would the weather change? Roaming the hillsides with Francesco,Leonardo must have made some of his first observations about nature:the shapes of leaves, the colors of the sky, the flight of birds, and theflowing water of a rocky stream. While Leonardo had the love of his uncle and grandparents, heprobably felt confused about his mother and father. Not long after hermarriage to the Quarreler, Caterina had another child. Three more fol-lowed close behind. It is likely that Leonardo saw his mother and herchildren in Vinci on special occasions, such as at feasts and fairs or onmarket days. Those brief meetings were likely the only relationship youngLeonardo had with his mother. His father, Set Piero, stayed too busywith his prosperous business and his new wife in Florence to find timefor Leonardo. He sent money for his son's upkeep, but his visits toVinci were rare and brief. As the son of a successful notary, Leonardo should have been sent to oneof the best schools in Florence. There he would have learned literature, Latin,geometry, and physics. He also would have been forced to stop writing with hisleft hand because left-handed people were thought to be possessed by the devil. But such an education was not available to illegitimate children like Leonardo. Instead, he had to settle for whatever schooling the village priest and his uncle and grandfather could give him. He learned to read and write. He learned basic arithmetic using an abacus, a smaU frame with beads for counting. He may have read passages from the Bible. And he continued to write with his left hand. P12-17





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