红魔英语 英语易混词辨析 高中
词语辨析可谓是英语学习中的“无间道”,让人头疼不已!《红魔英语》帮你识穿对手身份,由混沌到清晰,简约词汇学习的心路历程,占尽先机!大量的理论指导和举例论证从词性、词义及搭配上对每组词语进行辨析,使词语的各自特点和惯常用法暴露无疑有针对性的训练习题让你反复核实每个词语的身份更有实用的温馨小提示提醒你千万别落入对手的陷阱!近500组词语辨析,2000多道习题,两个不同的升级版本(初中版和高中版)让你更全面地掌握英语中常用易混词语的区别,轻松地攻破英语学习中的难关! “无间地狱”没有轮回,只有努力超脱!英语学习没有捷径,只有坚持不懈!漫漫学习路上,愿我们助你一臂之力!
A 1--56a couple of; a pair ofa lot; lots of; a lot ofa most; most; the mosta number of; the number ofa part of; part ofable; unable; abilityabout; or so; someabove; beyondaccent; noise; sound; voiceaccident; event; incidentaccuse; chargeaccording to; according asachieve; arrive; reachacross; beyondacross; over; throughact as: act foract; action; deedactual; real; trueadapt; fitaddress; lecture; speech; talkadmit; accept; receive; takeadmit; recognizeadvantage; benefit; profitadvice; opinion; proposal; suggestionaffect; effect; influenceafford; offer; provide; supplyafraid; frightened; scared; terrifiedafter / in a while; for a while; once in a whileafter; behind; during; in; lateraged; old; elderly; elder; ancientago; beforeaid; assist; helpaim; goal; purposeair; heaven; sky; spacealike; likeall along; all the time; all the wayall at once; at onceall together; altogetherall; entire; total; wholeallow; let; permit; promisealmost; nearlyalong with; together withalready; still; yetalso; as well; either; tooamong; betweenand; orangry at; angry withanswer for; answer toanxious; eager; keen; nervous anxious; nervous; tense; tightanytime; any timeanyone; any oneapologize for; apologize toappreciate; thankarea; district; regionarise; risearmy; troopas far as; so far; so far asas much as; as many asas soon as; onceas well; as well as……
词语辨析可谓是英语学习中的“无间道”,让人头疼不已!《红魔英语》帮你识穿对手身份,由混沌到清晰,简约词汇学习的心路历程,占尽先机!大量的理论指导和举例论证从词性、词义及搭配上对每组词语进行辨析,使词语的各自特点和惯常用法暴露无疑有针对性的训练习题让你反复核实每个词语的身份更有实用的温馨小提示提醒你千万别落入对手的陷阱!近500组词语辨析,2000多道习题,两个不同的升级版本(初中版和高中版)让你更全面地掌握英语中常用易混词语的区别,轻松地攻破英语学习中的难关! “无间地狱”没有轮回,只有努力超脱!英语学习没有捷径,只有坚持不懈!漫漫学习路上,愿我们助你一臂之力!