

谭暑生 谭暑生 国防科技大学出版社 (2011-12出版)



谭暑生 国防科技大学出版社 (2011-12出版)  






  标准时空论,是由国防科技大学教授谭暑生创立,与爱因斯坦的狭义相对论竞争的理论。谭暑生说这并非是他个人的自我标榜和无事生非,而是现代物理学的发展使然。谭暑生著有《从狭义相对论到标准时空论》一书,并公开出版发行。标准时空论是将洛伦兹以太论完善化、系统化,以绝对参考系原理和回路平均光速不变原理为基本假设所建立的一个严谨的逻辑体系。  《标准时空论:一个新的自洽的理论系统(英文版)》这本是其研究标准时空论的专著,本版本是英文版。


谭暑生,男,湖南省醴陵市人,国防科学技术大学教授,从事激光技术、自然辩证法和物理学基础理论研究。 E-mail:tansst@vip.sina.com 通讯地址:中国·长沙·国防科学技术大学理学院 邮编:410073 TAN Shu-Sheng,Professor Address:College of Science,National University of Defense Teehnologe,Changsha 410073,China


Chapter 1 Basic Postulates and Coordinate Transformation of the Standard Space-Time Theory 1 Introduction 2 Basic Postulates 3 Derivation of the Transformation of Space-Time Coordinates 4 Derivation of GGT from Lorentz's Three Hypotheses 5 The Lorentz Transformations (LT) and. GGT ReferencesChapter 2 Mechanics of the Standard Space-Time Theory 1 Introduction 2 Velocity Transformation and Synchronization of Clocks at Different Places 3 The Length Contractions-and Time Dilation Formulas 4 The Substantial Understandings for Length Contraction and Time Dilation 5 Interval between Events 6 The Mass of a Moving Particle and the Mass Increase Effect 7 Dynamical Equations 8 The Mass-Energy Relations 9 The Transformation Equations for Mass, Momentum, Energy and Force ReferencesChapter 3 The Standard Space-Time Theory Formulated in Four-dimensional Form and in General Coordinate System 1 Non-Orthogonal Transformations in the Four-Dimensional Pseudo-Euclidean Space 2 Four-Dimensional Velocity, Momentum, Dynamical Equations 3 GGT under General Coordinate System 4 Formulas of the Standard Space-Time Theory in General Coordinate SystemChapter 4 Electrodynamics of the Standard Space-Time Theory 1 Basic Postulates and Operator T 2 The Transformation of Charge and Current Densities. The Law of Charge Conservation 3 Coulomb's Law and Maxwell's Equations 4 The Force on Moving Charge by Electromagnetic Field in the Ordinary Inertial Frame. The Transformations of E and B 5 The Electromagnetic Field Equations in Vacuum in an Ordinary Inertial Franle 6 The Electromagnetic Field Equations in Media in an Ordinary Inertial Frame 7 The Transformations of D and H. The Boundary Value Relations. The Constitutive Relations of Moving Media 8 The Electromagnetic Wave Equations in an Ordinary Inertial Frame 9 The Scalar Potential and Vector Potential 10 An Important Supplement ReferencesChapter 5 Experimental Examinations to the Standard Space-Time Theory 1 Introduction 2 Closed Light Circuit Experiments 3 Moving Light Source Experiment 4 Time-Dilation Experiments 5 Dynamical Experiment 6 Problem about Space Isotropy or Anisotropy 7 Electromagnetic Experiments in Moving Material 8 Conclusion ReferencesChapter 6 Homopolar Magnetic Induction Experiments Show Existence of Background Space 1 Description of Experimental Phenomena 2 Explanation of Classical Electromagnetism to Homopolar Magnetic Induction Experiments 3 Special Relativity can not Explain the Homopolar Magnetic Induction Experiments 4 Explanation of Standard Space-Time Theory to the Homopolar Magnetic Induction Experiments 5 Conclusion ReferencesChapter 7 The Slide-Down Paradox in Special Relativity and Its Resolving Scheme 1 Introduction 2 The Slide-Down Paradox in Special Relativity 3 Resolving Scheme of the Slide-Down Paradox 4 Conclusion ReferencesChapter 8 Generalized Galilean Transformation and Lorentz Transformation 1 Introdnction 2 Relations between the Generalized Galilean Transformation and the Lorentz Transformation 3 Principle of the Constancy of the Average Circulation Speed of Light and the General Lorentz Transformation 4 The Standard Space-time Theory is not Equivalent to Special Relativity 5 The SST Covariance and the Lorentz Covariance ReferencesConclusion General Remarks on the Standard Space-Time TheoryAppendix ! : Comments on the Standard Space-Time TheoryAppendix 2:A Letter from the Famous Scientist Qian-Xuesen to Zhao YijunAppendix 3 : A Letter from the Famous Physicist B. d'Espagnat to Tan Shusheng


标准时空论,是由国防科技大学教授谭暑生创立,与爱因斯坦的狭义相对论竞争的理论。 谭暑生说这并非是他个人的自我标榜和无事生非,而是现代物理学的发展使然。谭暑生著有《从狭义相对论到标准时空论》一书,并公开出版发行。标准时空论是将洛伦兹以太论完善化、系统化,以绝对参考系原理和回路平均光速不变原理为基本假设所建立的一个严谨的逻辑体系。 《标准时空论--一个新的自洽的理论系统(英文版)》这本是其研究标准时空论的专著,本版本是英文版。




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