赵瑞雪 主编
本教材在内容上涉及与高职学生所学专业相关的机械、汽车、信息工程以及学生感兴趣的航天、通讯、电子等方面的科技英语知识,又涉及学生日常生活所能接触到的身边的科学知识。本教材在难度上相当于“高职高专实用英语能力A级”(考虑到高职高专学生实际英语水平的差异,有些补充阅读材料难度略高于A级),建议教师在学生完成二至三个学期公共英语的学习后选用本教材。 本教材共有十个单元,每个单元结构如下: 一、Dialogue,本部分与高等学校实用英语应用能力考试听力部分的难度相当,涉及订货、商务洽谈、商品展会等内容,旨在进一步强化学生的l3语表达,尤其是与学生专业相关的知识的英语13语表达能力。 二、Scientific Reading本部分为与学生所学专业相关,内容又相对浅显的科普文章。本部分设有导入环节Leading in,在话题的导人过程中,编者注重为学生的课堂讨论留有适度的话语空间。这有助于发挥学生自主学习的积极性,促进教学模式的转变。同时考虑到高职学生对词汇和语法结构掌握的现状,对已出现在《高职高专英语教学基本要求》中、学生掌握起来相对困难的词汇(超过《高职高专英语教学基本要求》的词汇已进行标注)以及课文中出现的复杂句式。如学生在理解中出现困难的省略句、倒装句、主从复合句、虚拟语气、非谓语动词等结构加以注释;并在课后配备了相应的词汇和语法习题。同时,为了进一步扩展学生的专业英语知识,每个单元都设有Learn Some More的部分,通过学习这一部分可了解与专业相关的英语词汇和句式。在Scientific Reading后,每个单元辅助有阅读理解、英汉短语互译、英文句式翻译等习题。通过这些习题,一方面强化了学生的英语基础知识,另一方面强化了学生的阅读、翻译等语言综合运用能力。 三、Supplementary Reading考虑到目前高职学生英语水平的差异,本书在每个单元都设置了这个环节。本部分阅读材料的难度有的略高于高职高专实用英语能力A级的要求,有的文章难度接近大学英语四级的阅读能力要求。通过阅读本部分的材料、可使学生进一步强化阅读英语文章的能力。同时,教师在指导学生阅读时,也可适时地为学生介绍阅读技巧,培养学生自主阅读英语文章,尤其是英语科普文章的能力。 四、Practical Writing,实用应用文的写作,始终是高职学生英语学习的难点。因此,在编写本教材时,编者继续注重强化高职学生的实用应用文的写作能力;力求从不同的角度培养学生书写,如商务信函、公司简介、产品简介等实用应用文的能力;引导学生通过对图片、图表的描述,锻炼英语语言综合运用能力,为学生自我展示提供空间,从而体现学生的个性化学习。
Unit One Scientific Reading Water as a Cutting Tool Supplementary Reading Keystone Forging Company Practical Writing Business LetterUnit Fwo Scientific Reading Gearing up for Productivity Supplementary Reading Introduction to Design of Machine Elements Practical Writing Chart DescriptionUnit Three Scientific Reading Occupational Guides about Numerical Control Machine Operators Supplementary Reading The Main Tasks of an Engineer Practical Writing Job Application LetterUnit Four Scientific Reading Structure of Automobiles Supplementary Reading Introduction of Automobile Industry Practical Writing AdvertisementUnit Five Scientific Reading Engine of Automobiles Supplementary Reading Anti-lock Brake System Practical Writing Advertisement of EmploymentUnit Six Scientific Reading Chassis System of Automobiles Supplementary Reading Instrument Cluster Practical Writing Contract & AgreementUnit Seven Scientific Reading Electricity and Electronics Supplementary Reading Nokia's Poweful N73 Multimedia Phone Practical Writing Understanding and Writing Instructions for a ProductUnit Eight Scientific Reading Growth of Computer Networking ……Unit NineUnit TenTranslation and AnswersGlosaryInteresting ReadingReference Books
projects, but the basic point is the same: turn the idea into a working reality. The developmentstage lasts as long as it needs to, until the working device has been constructed and tested. Thenthe manufacturing stage begins, during which it may be necessary to change some plans in thelight of practical manufacturing conditions. Following the development of a new device or product, it must be manufactured, usually inlarge quantities. In the last few decades a whole field of automated manufacturing techniques hasbeen developed,requiring new engineering skills to invent andimprovemachines thatautomatically construct other machines efficiently and reliably. During production and at the end of the assembly line, a product must be carefully tested todetermine if it will perform its job properly and reliably. Frequently this testing procedure mustbe done automatically as well. Engineers are now developing procedures and machines to carryout what can be a very complicated sequence of tests. For example, consider the enormousproblem of testing a large computer to see if it will perform all its tasks correctly. In a large-scale production operation, it may be identical small items such as radios of carsor a single item such as an oil refinery, there are many problems for an engineer to deal with. Inan industrial environment the engineer's basic job is to plan the sequence of steps necessary forthe successful completion of a task at minimum cost. The word engineer is used in two senses in English. One, as just indicated, refers to theprofessional engineer who has a university degree and an education in mathematics, science, andone of the engineering specialties. Engineer, however, is also used to describe a person whooperates or maintains an engine or machine. An excellent example of this is the locomotiveengineer who operates a train on a railroad. Engineers in this sense are essentially highly trainedtechnicians rather than professional engineers. ……?