

陈海波 中南大学出版社









Advanced Mathematics-Calculus is the first university mathematics course,and also one of the most important courses for science and engineering students inuniversities. In order to help students improve their English level and the ability toroad English science references, and to make use of successful teaching experi-ences in Western countries, more and more universities in China have begun to usebilingual (generally Chinese and English) teaching method in classrooms. Withthe differences of course contents and teaching methods between China and West-ern countries, none seems to meet the teaching requirements set forth by the Minis-try of Education of China, although many good English language calculus textbooksare available. This book is intended to serve as a text for the bilingual teachingcourse in calculus that is usually taken by first-year students who study science andengineering.This is a student textbook covering essential topics in calculus usually taughtin the early stages of science and engineering students in China. The requirementsof such students have influenced its content and presentation helped in many waysby the authors' long and continuous experience of teaching mathematical methods tovarious degree students in Central South University. It is divided into two volumes.The first volume contains Calculus of single variable and infinite series. The sec-ond volume consists of Calculus of multivariable with analysis geometrics and ordi-nary differential equations.


  This is a student textbook covering essential topics in calculus usually taughtin the early stages of science and engineering students in China. The requirementsof such students have influenced its content and presentation helped in many waysby the authors long and continuous experience of teaching mathematical methods tovarious degree students in Central South University. It is divided into two volumes.The first volume contains Calculus of single variable and infinite series. The sec-ond volume consists of Calculus of multivariable with analysis geometrics and ordi-nary differential equations.


Chapter 7 Analytic Geometry in Space and Vector Algebra 7.1 Vector and their linear operations 7.2 Rectangular coordinate systems in space and components of vectors 7.3 The scalar product vector product mixed product 7.4 Planes and their equations 7.5 Straight lines in space and their equations 7.6 Surfaces and their equations 7.7 Space curves and their equations 7.8 Quadric surfacesChapter 8 The Multivariable Differential Calculus and its Applications 8.1 Basic concepts of muhivariable functions 8.2 Limit and continuity for function of several variables 8.3 Partial derivatives and higher-order partial derivatives 8.4 Total differentials 8.5 Directional derivatives and the gradient 8.6 Differentiation of muhivariable composite functions 8.7 Differentiation of impliet functions 8.8 Applications of differential calculus of muhivariable functions in geometry 8.9 Extreme value problems for muhivariable functionsChapter 9 Multiple Integrals 9.1 Double integral 9.2 Evaluation of a double integral by iterated integration 9.3 Change of variables in a double integral 9.4 Improper double integrals 9.5 Applications of double integrals 9.6 Extensions to higher dimensions 9.7 Change of variables in a triple integralChapter 10 Line Integrals and Surface Integrals 10.1 Line integrals with respect to arc lengths 10.2 Line integrals with respect to coordinates 10.3 Green's theorem, Path independence 10.4 Surface integrals with respect to surface areas 10.5 Surface integrals with respect to coordinates 10.6 The divergence theorem 10.7 Stokes theoremChapter 11 Differential Equations 11.1 Differential equations and their solutions 11.2 Separable equations 11.3 Linear first-order equations 11.4 Homogeneous equations 11.5 Exact equations 11.6 Reducible second-order equations 11.7 second-0rder linear equationsAnswers








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