

石平,刘东楼 主编 安徽大学出版社





石平,刘东楼 主编  






为很快适应和落实教育部最近颁发的《大学英语课程教学要求》,深化教学改革,培养学生的英语综合应用能力,满足新时期国家对人才的需要;更为了结合我省学生的实际情况,我们依据《全国大学英语四级考试样卷》新题型,组织具有丰富的教学经验、多次参加新题型培训的一线教师编写了这套阅读理解专项教材。希望本套书能在进一步提高我省外语教学质量方面做一点贡献。 本教材旨在培养学生正确的阅读习惯,提高学生的阅读速度和阅读理解能力。在选材时注重内容的可读性、趣味性、知识性、时代性、语言文字的规范性和文体的多样性。课文大多数选自英美原著、正式出版的英文报刊杂志等。 本套教材共分四册,每册分阅读技巧和十个单元,每单元分两部分:第一部分为快速阅读,含一篇短文,共10题,1-4题为是非判断题,5-7题为选择题,8-10题为句子填空题,即完成句子;第二部分为仔细阅读,含三篇短文,第一篇为选词填空,共10题,从所给的15个词中选10个词填空。后两篇为单项选择,每篇5题,共10题。 使用本教材时,应注意以下几点: 1.让学生养成先了解问题后读文章的良好习惯,做到有的放矢,以达到提高阅读速度和准确率的效果。 2.学生阅读时不能查词典,如有生词,可根据上下文和构词法进行猜测以确定词义,或直接跳过那些不影响理解的生词。 3.学生应注意培养边阅读、边理解、边记忆的良好习惯。读完课文即做练习;做练习时,不再翻阅已读过的课文。 4.学生应在建议时间内快速读完文章,较准确地完成课后练习。


阅读技巧Unit One Part Ⅰ Part ⅡUnit Two  Part Ⅰ Part ⅡUnit Three Part Ⅰ Part ⅡUnit Four  Part Ⅰ Part ⅡUnit Five  Part Ⅰ Part ⅡUnit Six Part Ⅰ Part ⅡUnit Seven  Part Ⅰ Part ⅡUnit Eight  Part Ⅰ Part ⅡUnit Nine  Part Ⅰ Part ⅡUnit Ten  Part Ⅰ Part ⅡKey to Units


  Contextualizing Practice  People use language differently in different contexts. It is important if students have the chance to experience the language in meaningful contexts. This means teachers need to identify a situation in which a target structure is commonly used. Then the students can use the language to canary, out a simulated task in the classroom. In this way, both meaning and the usage of the structure can be naturally obtained. Personalizing Practice  We all remember things best when they are relevant and close to our personal experiences or when we can express our personal views. As a teacher, we can help students learn better by personalizing the context so that students can talk or write about their own life experiences and their personal opinions, and ask questions for which they are interested in finding out answers. For examples, we can draw on students' experiences of their school life, their personal views on issues of their interest, e.g. different lifestyles, environmental problems, learning habits, etc. and offer them opportunities to draw on their knowledge about famous people, music and pop songs. Building up Confidence  We all perform best when we are confident about ourselves. It is inevitable that we all make mistakes. Especially when students grow older, they care a lot about their face and do not want to be laughed at by others in class. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to create a relaxed and supportive environment and help them build up their confidence. Only when students feel confident and comfortable to speak, will they participate actively in the activities and tasks you design for them; and only by more participation and more practice can they improve their speaking fluency.   ……




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