周卫京女,博士,江苏科技大学外国语学院副教授、应用语言学研究所所长。 2005年人中国社科院语言所语音实验室短期研修语音理论和研究方法。2006~2007年人英国剑桥大学语言学系语音实验室研修英语语音学和实验语音学。2008年考入英国伦敦大学学院IPA团队,主修国际音标体系和英语语音教学,获国际语音学会颁发的IPA英语语音资质证书。 研究方向:应用语言学、二语习得、语音学与实验语音学。已出版学术专著1部,发表论文20余篇。参与国家重点社科基金项目1项,主持江苏省社科、教育基金项目3项,主持校重点教改项目3项。
AcknowledgementsPreface (序)Foreword( 前言 )List of figuresList of tables1 Introduction1.1 Phonetics and phonology1.2 Spoken and written forms in English1.3 Outline of this book2 Places and manners of articulation2.1 The speech mechanism2.2 The organs of speech2.2.1 The larynx and vocal folds2.2.2 The articulators above the larynx2.3 Places of articulation2.4 Manners of articulationExercises3 Description and classification of speech sounds3.1 Phonetic and phonological description3.2 The classification of speech sound3.2.1 Vowels and consonants3.2.2 Classification of English consonants3.2.3 Classification of English vowels3.3 The transcription of speech sound3.3.1 Board and narrow transcription3.3.2 International Phonetic AlphabetExercises4 Acoustic components of speech4.1 The nature of speech sound4.2 The sources and filters4.3 The acoustic spectrum4.3.1 Oscillogram(waveform)4.3.2 Fundamental frequency: pitch4.3.3 Formants4.3.4 SpectrogramExercises5 Plosives5.1 Introduction5.2 Phonetic features of English plosives5.2.1 Places of articulation5.2.2 Force of articulation5.2.3 VOT and aspiration5.2.4 Voicing5.2.5 Release5.2.6 Pre-fortis clipping5.3 The phoneme/p/5.3.1 General considerations5.3.2 Spellings5.3.3 Sound distribution5.3.4 Articulation5.3.5 Acoustics5.4 The phoneme/b/5.5 The phoneme/t/5.6 The phoneme/d/5.7 The phoneme/k/5.8 The phoneme/9/Exercises6 Fricatives and affricates6.1 Introduction6.2 Phonetic features of English plosives and affricates6.2.1 Places of articulation6.2.2 Force of articulation6.2.3 Voicing6.2.4 Length6.2.5 Acoustic characteristics6.3 The phoneme/f/6.4 The phoneme/v/6.5 The phoneme/0/6.6 The phoneme/6/6.7 The phoneme/s/6.8 The phoneme/z/6.9 The phoneme/I/6.10 The phoneme/3/6.11 The phoneme /h/6.12 The phoneme/tJ/6.13 The phoneme /d3/Exercises7 Nasals and appr0ximants7.1 Introduction7.2 Phonetic features of English nasals and approximants7.2.1 Places of articulation7.2.2 Vocalic nature of nasals and approximants7.2.3 Voicing7.2.4 Acoustic characteristics7.3 The phoneme/m/7.4 The phoneme/n/7.5 The phoneme/r3/7.6 The phoneme/j/7.7 The phoneme/w/7.8 The phoneme/r/7.9 The phoneme/1/Exercises8 Pure vowels8.1 Introduction8.2 Phonetic features of English pure vowels8.2.1 Places of articulation8.2.2 Vowel length8.2.3 Acoustic characteristics8.2.4 Acquisition of pure English vowels8.3 The Phoneme/i:/8.4 The Phoneme/I/8.5 The Phoneme/e/8.6 The Phoneme/e/8.7 The Phoneme/u:/8.8 The Phoneme/o/8.9 The Phoneme/o:/8.10 The Phoneme/D/8.11 The Phoneme/a:/8.12 The Phoneme/3:/8.13 The Phoneme/e/8.14 The Phoneme/A/Exercises9 iphthongs9.1 Introduction9.2 Phonetic features of English diphthongs9.2.1 Places of articulation9.2.2 Vowel length9.2.3 Acoustic characteristics9.3 The Phoneme/aft9.4 The Phoneme/af/9.5 The Phoneme/ef/9.6 The Phoneme/ao/9.7 The Phoneme/eo/9.8 The Phoneme/io/9.9 The Phoneme/co/9.10 The Phoneme/ue/ExercisesReferencesGlossary