

欧阳俊林 编 东华大学出版社





欧阳俊林 编  




  《新编大学英语阅读教程(4级)》广泛收集了现代英语,特别是近十年来英美社会的多式样语言文本。话题覆盖了当今政治、经济、文化、科技、教育、心理、人文、社会等诸多方面,帮助读者了解当今国际各领域的发展动态和问题,并从接触真实语料入手,学习和掌握语言形式、功能和用法,加深语言理解,从而全面提高学生英语语言的阅读水平,增强学生参加新体制下的大学英语四、六级考试的应试能力。  《新编大学英语阅读教程》一共四册,与目前大学英语教学的课程设置平行,每学期一册,循序渐进,由浅入深。通过课堂教学和学生课外阅读,逐步培养学生良好的语言思维和语言学习习惯,以达到最佳的教与学效果。


Unit 1 EducationPassage 1 How Colleges Are Failing Our StudentsPassage 2 The Ivory Tower Obscurity FetishPassage 3 How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?Unit 2 EmploymentPassage 1 Four Minutes That Get You HiredPassage 2 Academy for AmahsPassage 3 The Most Frequent FliersUnit 3 Women' s ProblemsPassage 1 Woman and SuperwomanPassage 2 In Pursuit of ThinnessPassage 3 EvelineUnit 4 Life ExperiencesPassage 1 How to Grow OldPassage 2 Welcome to My DayPassage 3 Joseph Pulitzer Dies SuddenlyUnit 5 People in HistoryPassage 1 The Secret Life of a Very Private PoetPassage 2 Memories of My Early Childhood with Willie NelsonPassage 3 The CrusadesUnit 6 Digital TechnologyPassage 1 Textuality in Cyberspace: MUDS and Written ExperncePassage 2 The ABC s of MP3 : A Crash Course in the Digital Music Phenomenon.Passage 3 The Economy of Ideas: A Framework for Patents and Copyrights in the Digital AgeUnit 7 Environment and PeoplePassage 1 Environment: The Good NewsPassage 2 Three Revolutions in Human PopulationsPassage 3 The Culture of NatureUnit 8 Human EthicsPassage 1 Genetic Encores: The Ethics of Human CloningPassage 2 Technology and the MediaPassage 3 Modem Technology and American ValuesUnit 9 Values of ThinkingPassage 1 Thinking as a Hobby(Ⅰ)Passage 2 Thinking as a Hobby (Ⅱ)Passage 3 The Aesthetic Moment……


  The banner that hung across the stage read simply:Thank You, AlanBrinkley ! We'll Miss You.As the young professor ended his last lecture, more than500 students who filled the seats and aisles of Harvard's Sanders Theater rose in astanding ovation. By all accounts, Brinkley was one of Harvard's most giftedteachers. At 37, he taught the largest course in Harvard's History Department andhad won an American Book Award for his study of the Depression era. He furtherstood out from many of his Harvard colleagues because of his open-door policy andwillingness to meet with students one-on-one, even though by some estimates, hetaught one-third of all Harvard undergraduates in his various classes.   ……




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