潘淑兰,裘正铨 主编
教育部2007年7月正式颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求》,要求中提出:“大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。”为了贯彻《大学英语课程教学要求》的精神,提高大学英语学生的英语的听说能力,我们编写了这本《新编校园英语》。因为我们知道,学习语言尤其是学习一门外语需要有语言环境。当我们的学生在四年的大学生活里,他们所在的大学校园有一个良好的英语学习,尤其是英语听说学习的的语言环境,这对培养他们的英语综合应用能力和实现英语学习的可持续发展是非常关键的。提高英语的听说能力,仅靠传统的课堂教学是难以实现的。二语习得理论认为:语言习得是一种非正式的、无意识的、模糊的方式,它通过真正的交流来获得语言,类似儿童习得母语的过程,通常是在大量语言信息的刺激下,通过语言的自然交际获得的。《新编校园英语》编写的目的就是给我们的大学英语学生创设良好的英语学习环境,当我们的学生每天听着学校广播的校园英语,在他们理解和吸收英语的信息的同时,他们也一定会想用他们理解和吸收英语的信息来表达和传递英语信息,这样的日积月累,我们的学生的英语听说能力就会不断地提高。 《新编校园英语》有30个单元。每单元有三十分钟左右的CD录音,内容分4-6个部分,其中包括精彩的演讲、生动幽默的对话、故事、激发想象的谜语、原汁原味的流行英语歌曲(附歌词)、优雅悦耳的诗歌朗诵以及生动有趣的串联词,全书的后面还附有与校园生活、学习等内容相关的词汇可供学生查用。
Listening ExercisesUnit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16Unit 17Unit 18Unit 19Unit 20Unit 21Unit 22Unit 23Unit 24KeyScript串联词校园英语常用词汇
All our phrases today include the word"horse". There is no way to explain why this animal appears in so many American expressions,hut each has an interesting story behind it. Now you can believe that because you are hearing it "straight from the horses mouth. " And when you get your information that way,youre getting in from a person you know you can believe——from a kind of expert. Thats me. The expression comes from horse racing and it has to do with the age of the horses. Scientists say the best way to tell how old a horse is,is to look at its teeth. Now,a horse gets its permanent teeth two at a time and it gets two new ones each year. So no matter what the owner may tell you, if you look at the horses teeth, you can find out how old it is "straight from the horses mouth". Another phrase that comes from horse racing is "to look a gift horse in the mouth. This is used when someone receives a gift and then looks it over to see if there is anything wrong with it". If someone gives you a horse and you look at its teeth to see how old it is, the person would probably think you were not very nice,and would wonder just how happy you were with the gift. If you are in a hurry to hear more phrases with the word horse in them, you really should "hold your horses". In other words,be patient ,because youll get more soon. This expression at first meant exactly what it says,to keep your horses from getting excited and running away with you. But in the United States, the phrase started to be used when talking about people. Now,it means to control your temper and not be in a hurry. If you dont"hold your horses" , someone might tell you"to get off your high horse". That means you should stop acting as if you were better or more important than anyone else. This phrase came from the royal parades back in the 14th century,more than 600 years ago. The richest and most important people rode very high horses, the biggest in parade, and they looked down on ordinary people.