

宋无康 云南大学出版社











文学是对人生体验的文化表征。文学作品隐含对生活的思考、价值取向和特定的意识形态。阅读英美文学作品,是了解西方文化的一条重要途径,可以接触到支撑表层文化的深层文化,即西方文化中带根本性的思想观点、价值评判、西方人经常使用的视角,以及对这些视角的批评。 美国文学是对时代生活的审美表现,是美国人民创造性使用英语语言的产物。英语表意功能强,文体风格变化多,或高雅、或通俗、或含蓄、或明快、或婉约、或粗犷,其丰富的表现力和独特的魅力在英美作家的作品里得到了淋漓尽致的发挥。阅读优秀的美国文学作品,可以感受到英语音乐性的语调和五光十色的语汇,回味其“弦外之音”。通过文本的学习提高文学阅读、理解与鉴赏能力以及口头与书面表达等语言技能,并且通过大量阅读加强对文学本质的意识,提高综合人文素质,增强对西方文学及文化的理解。 《美国文学导读》是根据外语教学与研究出版社出版、吴伟仁教授主编的《美国文学史及选读》(第1、2册)而编写的学习指导用书。该书每章由美国文学各个时期背景知识、作家创作生涯、主要作品的概要和点评、代表作品艺术特色分析四个部分构成。该书分别从《美国文学史及选读》(第1、2册)涉及的背景知识、主要作家代表作的主题思想、人物性格刻画、象征与隐喻、写作风格、作品章节等方面进行了全面的分析和解读,为跨进美国文学殿堂的人们提供快捷的通道,使他们在较短的时间内了解美国文学的精华。通过阅读该书,学生不仅能了解和认识美国文学史上一些较有影响的作家的创作倾向、思想方法、在文学史上的地位和成就以及对本国文学乃至世界文学所产生的影响等等,而且能初步掌握一些名家的代表作品的思想意义、文学价值、写作手法、语言技巧等,为他们毕业后的考研、教学、研究打下一定的基础。




Chapter One The LIterature of ColonIal AmerIca Ⅰ.Early AmerIcan and ColonIal PerIod to 1776 1.1 IntroductIon 1.2 The LIterature of ExploratIon Ⅱ.The ColonIal PerIod In New England  2.1 John SmIth(1580--1631)  2.2 WIllIam Bradford ( 1590--1657 )  2.3 John WInthrop(1588--1649)  2.4 John Cotton(1585--1652)  2.5 Roger WIllIams(1606--1683)  2.6 Anne Bradstreet(1613--1672)  2.7 Edward Taylor(1644--1729) Ⅲ.AmerIcan PurItanIsm   3.1 DefInItIons of PurItans  3.2 BasIc PurItan BelIefs  3.3 The FunctIon of PurItan WrIters  3.4 The Style of PurItan WrItIng and Common Themes  3.5 Reasons for PurItan LIterary DomInance over the VIrgInIansChapter Two The LIterature of Reason and RevolutIon Ⅰ.The AmerIcan EnlIghtenment Ⅱ.DemocratIc OrIgIns and RevolutIonary WrIters, 1776--1820 Ⅲ.BenjamIn FranklIn(1706--1790) 3.1 HIs LIfe and Works 3.2 The AutobIography : Part I, FIrst SectIon 3.3 CharacterIstIcs of HIs LIterary Works Ⅳ.Thomas PaIne ( 1737--1809 )  4.1 HIs LIfe and Works  4.2 Common Sense Ⅴ.Thomas Jefferson(1743--1826)  5.1 HIs LIfe and Works  5.2 The DeclaratIon of Independence Ⅵ.PhIlIp Freneau(1752--1832)  6.1 HIs LIfe and Major Poems  6.2 The Nature PoemsChapter Three The LIterature of RomantIcIsm Ⅰ .The OrIgIn of RomantIc AmerIcan LIterature Ⅱ.Its SocIal,HIstorIcal and Cultural Background Ⅲ.The Important Concepts of AmerIcan RomantIc LIterature Ⅳ.New England TranscendentalIsm Ⅴ.WashIngton IrvIng(1783--1859) 5.1 HIs LIfe and Major Works 5.2 IrvIng's Great Indebtedness to European LIterature 5.3 RIp Van WInkle 5.4 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 5.5 IrvIng's UnIque ContrIbutIon to AmerIcan LIterature Ⅵ.James FenImore Cooper 6.1 HIs LIfe and Major Works 6.2 The Last of MohIcans 6.3 Themes of The Last of MohIcans 6.4 AnalysIs of Major Characters 6.5 Cooper's TechnIque and Style Ⅶ.WIllIam Cullen Bryant(1794--1878) 7.1 HIs LIfe and Major Works 7.2 ThanatopsIs 7.3 Bryant as a Poet 7.4 CommunIon wIth HIs "Maker" Ⅷ.Edgar Allan Poe(1809--1849) 8.1 HIs LIfe and Major Works ……Chapter Four The Lifterature of RealismChapter Five Twentieth Century LiteratureReference Books and Resources


  12. 2. 2 Summary of Moby.Dick ( Chapter 54)  This story is as told at the Golden Inn by Ishmael some time after the voy age on the Pequod. The Pequod encounters the TownHo, manned almost wholly by Polynesians that, during a gam, gave the Pequod strong news of Moby Dick. Ishmael tells the story by the TownHo as he would later tell it at Lima to a cir cle of Spanish friends. He tells how the TownHo had been stabbed, presumably by a swordfish, and was taking on water, but would have reached port safely if not for the brutal overbearing of Radney, the mate, and Steelkih, a Lakeman from Buffalo. Radney becomes concerned as the TownHo takes on more water, for he is naturally nervous and cowardly. He also has a large investment in the ship. Steelkilt mocks Radney for his concern over the ship. Radney orders Steelkih to sweep the deck of the ship, but he refuses to do so. The conflict be tween Radney and Steelkih nearly leads to a mutiny, as the captains threaten to have the crew flogged for disobeying. Nearly a dozen of the mutineers are locked in the bottom of the ship, but most surrender, leaving Steelkih with only several supporters. Steelkih convinces them to burst out of their hole and rum amuck in order to seize the ship. Radney quells this uprising by Steelkih, who plans his revenge. The TownHo comes upon Moby Dick just as Steelkih is ready to attack again. When Moby Dick attacks, he crushes Radney between his jaws. The TownHo escapes and reaches her port where many desert the ship. The ships company calls upon the Islanders to assist. Steelkilt finds his way to Tahiti and finds two ships about to sail for France.





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