

林润南 汕头大学出版社













  首先,上下文的逻辑联系使必背单词一个不漏,轻松默写;其次,在使用中记忆,是音、形、意、用同时记忆的过程;第三,可以随时随地在上下文的引导下背诵,复习所有记忆过的生词,达到长期记忆的效果;第四,当你脱口而出的是一句或一段完整的英文表达,而不是一个个孤立的单词,那带给你的学习成就感是背记单个词所无可比拟的;第五,将“记单词”和“背短文”两者有机结合,既记忆了生词,掌握了其基本用法,又培养了语感,积累了写作表达素材,满足了语言学习以交流为第一目的的需要,符合新课程标准下重点考查词汇应用的要求。  这就是新课程标准下音、形、意、用全突破型的“单词串记法”,让你在口心互动的应用中记忆词汇,在英语学习中事半功倍、一举多得!  本书运用“单词串记法”,按单元将人教版高中英语从必修一至选修十共50个单元的必背单词和短语巧妙编写成50篇小短文,包括有小故事、诗歌或课文缩写等,紧扣课本内容,覆盖高一至高三的所有必学生词和短语。每篇短文的篇幅都长短适中,以学生能够轻松背诵下来为基本标准,同时配上外教朗读的英语录音和帮助理解的中文翻译,非常适合在学习完每个单元后进行背诵,记忆单词。流利背诵这50篇小短文,既背记了所有必背生词和短语,又掌握了其基本应用,培养了语感,同时积累了写作表达素材,增加了课外知识,是科任教师布置单词记忆和背诵任务的好材料!尤其对于高三备考的学生,更是在总复习中全面复习单词和短语、迅速提高英语水平的好帮手!




必修1Unit 1 Friendship背短文 Fall in Love with EnglishUnit 2 English around the world背短文 Different Countries Have Different kinds of EnglishUnit 3 Travel journal背短文 A Hard TripUnit 4 Earthquakes背短文 A Horrible EarthquakeUnit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero背短文 The Great President必修2Unit 1 Cultural relics背短文 A Brave MaidUnit 2 The Olympic Games背短文 A Fair CompetitionUnit 3 Computers背短文 ComputersUnit 4 Wildlife Protection背短文 Wildlife ProtectionUnit 5 Music背短文 My First Band必修3Unit 1 Festivals around the world背短文 An Interesting FestivalUnit 2 Healthy eating背短文 Balanced DietUnit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note背短文 Sailing HomeUnit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars背短文 Explore MKIIUnit 5 Canada——“The True North”背短文 A Journey Across Canada必修4Unit 1 Women of achievement背短文 A Woman Doctor——LinaUnit 2 Working the land背短文 A New Farming WayUnit 3 A taste of English humour背短文 chaplin-A Great Master of HumourUnit 4 Body language背短文 A MisunderstandingUnit 5 Theme parks背短文 A Unique Theme Park必修5Unit 1 Great scientists背短文 A Strange DiseaseUnit 2 The Unit ed Kingdom背短文 Sightseeing in the Unit ed KingdomUnit 3 Life in thefuture背短文 An Air CrashUnit 4 Making the news背短文 An Amateur JournalistUnit 5 First aid背短文 First Aid选修6Unit 1 Art背短文 Abstract ArtUnit 2 Poems背短文 A Russian PoemUnit 3 A healthy life背短文 Let’S Help AdolescentsUnit 4 Global warming背短文 Refresh Our EnvironmentUnit 5 The power of nature背短文 A Volcano Eruption选修7Unit 1 Living well背短文 Defeat DisabilityUnit 2 Robes背短文 Happy Marriage Needs Fighting ForUnit 3 Underthe sea背短文 Mark and a SealUnit 4 Sharing背短文 Helping the Remote VillageUnit 5 Travelling abroad背短文 Study in America选修8Unit 1 Aland of diversity背短文 Immigrate to AmericaUnit 2 Cloning背短文 Be Careful about CloningUnit 3 Inventors and inventions背短文 Strange Patent ApplicationsUnit 4 Pygmalion背短文 Pronunciation and StatusUnit 5 Meeting your ancestors背短文 A Sly MuMer选修9Unit 1 Breaking records背短文 A Courageous AmateurUnit 2 Sailing the oceans背短文 A Hard ExpeditionUnit 3 Australia背短文 Welcome to AustraliaUnit 4 Exploring plants背短文 The Exotic P~ants from ChinaUnit 5 Inside advertising背短文 Beware of Advertisements选修10Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained背短文 The Stout CaptainUnit 2 King Lear背短文 The Story Carved on an ArmchairUnit 3 Fairness for all背短文 Fighting Against Racial DiscriminationUnit 4 Learning efficiently背短文 Don’t Assess One by His AppearanceUnit 5 Enjoying novels背短文 Betty Was Not the Burglar


  Whether they are male or female, adolescents feel like deciding on everything themselves in spite of parents instruction, especially when they face problems like sex, mental stress, etc. , which make them feel ashamed and embarrassed. Thus they often automatically get into troubles due to their imperfect comprehension and judgement. Some are addicted to cigarettes, only several packets of which will hurt their lungs and make them breathless quickly. Others cant quit drinking alcohol, whose harnfful effects include causing young pregnant women to abort or give birth to abnormal babies. The worst is drug abuse, for the withdrawal is tough once their bodies are accustomed to the drugs. Meanwhile, those who share needles bought from illegal chemists are at great risk of being infected with desperate AIDS. If so, neither injecting nor taking pills can guarantee their survival.  However, dont be disappointed at or have prejudice against our children so easily. After all, being awkward is an appendix of youth. As long as we strengthen communication with them instead of only banning this or banning that, we will surely help them avoid anything unfit. (46 new)







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