

兰天,时敏,叶富国 主编 东北财经大学出版社有限责任公司





兰天,时敏,叶富国 主编  








随着我国加入WT0,国际贸易与投资业务迅猛发展,国际商务交往活动更加频繁,社会各界人士,特别是外贸企业和国际企业从业人员学习商务英语的积极性高涨,掌握扎实的外贸函电写作基础知识日益重要.本书是为了适应各界读者的这一需要,编写这本实用性较强的外贸英语函电学习指导。 本书结构新颖、内容全面、脉络清晰、实用性强。 本书共十七章,在内容和结构的编排上按照兰天编著的《外贸英语函电》,分别以外贸交易磋商过程和外贸合同磋商内容为两条主线,注重练习的实用性和可操作性。每章包括三个部分。 Section One,主要介绍英文函电写作的背景知识,这既有利于外贸相关专业读者对重点知识的回顾,提高理解能力、写作能力,又有利于非国际贸易专业读者对知识的理解和掌握。 Section Two,主要是重点词汇和句型。作者在多年教学经验积累的基础上,经过筛选斟酌,把最常用的词汇和句型加以总结,呈现给读者,使读者能少而精地掌握,便于在实际中应用。 Section Three,是练习题,包括十二种题型,是本章的重点。此部分是编者多年教学经验的结晶。在编写过程中,作者注重练习题内容的全面性、题型的多样性和趣味性。例如,在Chapter Nine中对包装材料的词汇这一环节的内容的处理上,作者将这些包装材料分别归类为“包”、“箱”、“桶”等,并采用“匹配”的题型设计,既减少了埋头做题的枯燥感,又便于读者记忆。作者十分注重所有练习题的实用性和可操作性,使读者所做的练习题尽可能与外贸过程的相关环节紧密联系起来,做到有目的地做练习题,并“练”以致用。如“根据所给的信用证条款和相关的合同,查找出不符点,然后写出请求改证的信函”;又如“根据索赔函”,写出相应的“接受和拒绝函”;再如,在Chapter Seventeen求职信的写作中,“根据相关的广告写出求职信”等等。通过这些练习使读者把商务函电与实际应用结合起来,真正做到学以致用。同时,每章还包括相关的对话,目的在于使读者不仅掌握商务函电的写作知识,而且加强口语操练,做到既练“笔”又练“口”,使写作能力和口语水平同时提高。 本书的附录有三个组成部分:Part One是各章练习题的答案;PartTwo包括三套模拟试题及答案;Part Three是考试题库,包括三套综合测试题及答案。这部分可供读者自我检测对知识的掌握和运用情况。


Chapter One Business Letters Section One Background Knowledge Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns Section Three ExerciseChapter Two Establishing Business Relations Section One Background Knowledge Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns Section Three ExerciseChapter Three Enquiries Section One Background Knowledge Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns Section Three ExerciseChapter Four Offer Section one Background Knowledge Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns Section Three ExerciseChapter Five Counter-0ffer Section One Background Knowledge Section Two Useful Sentences Section Three ExerciseChapter Six Conclusion of Business Section One Background Knowledge Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns Section Three ExerciseChapter Seven Terms of Payment Section one Background Knowledge Section Two Useful Sentence Patterns Section Three ExerciseChapter Eight Establishment of L/C and Amendment Section One Background Knowledge Section Two Useful Words, Phrases and Sentence Patterns Section Three ExerciseChapter Nine Packing, Shipping Mark and Shipment Section one Background Knowledge Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns Section Three ExercmeChapter Ten Insurance and Shipment Section One Background Knowledge Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns Section Three ExercmeChapter Eleven Agency Section One Background Knowledge Section Two Useful Sentence Patterns Section Three ExercmeChapter Twelve Complaints and Claims Section One Background Knowledge Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns Section Three ExerciseChapter Thirteen Invitation for Bids and Bid Section One Background Knowledge Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns Section Three ExerciseChapter Fourteen International Brininess Contract in Writing Section One Background Knowledge Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns Section Three ExeremeChapter Fifteen Agreements and Contracts……


  Only the Letter of Credit for You  A: Very well, we have settled everything about this transaction, exceptthe terms of payment.  B: As you know,we prefer the L/C 20 days in advance which expires 15days after receiving the paking list.  A:I suppose you have known our financial standing and credit well nowafter our long-term cooperation. We know an irrevocable L/C can ensure thatthe seller gets payment duly. But, on the other hand, it would increase thebuying cost. Therefore, could you consider giving us D/P this time?  B: I am sorry. But our rules only allow us to accept other terms ofpayment by L/C, although the buyer has had two or three transactions with usbefore.  A: But why not if you have known the buyers credit after several deals?  B: We hope you can understand. We have got some serious lessons fromthe credulity. One of them was through D/P documentary collection. When theshipment worth US $ 50 000 was effected, the buyer refused to make thepayment. But we can do nothing with it. And that buyer had had one or twodeals before this one.  A : I see. But the flexible terms of payment will definitely bring you moreorders as well as facilitate the buyers purchasing.  B: Sure. We dont mean we wont accept other terms of paymentforever. As a matter of fact,we will do so when we have known well about thebuyers credit after a real long-term cooperation.





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