

托马斯·C.奥吉恩 (OGuinn.T.C) 克里斯·T.艾 东北财经大学出版社有限责任公司





托马斯·C.奥吉恩 (OGuinn.T.C) 克里斯·T.艾  






  In 2003, when we launched the third edition of this book with a new title: Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion, some people questioned that title: "Isnt it sup- posed be Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communication?" We were convinced back then and we are even more committed now to the proposition that advertisers and agencies alike are focused on the brand and integrated brand promotion (IBP) and that integrated marketing communication (IMC) was really a thing of the past and was probably the wrong term in the first place. We believe that our perspective has proved to be correct. Advertising and promotion is all about the brand, and practitioners are pursing brand awareness and competitive advantage with an ever- expanding array of advertising and promotion brand-building techniques——all of which we are proud and excited to present to yon here in Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion, 5e.  One point we want to make emphatically. Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion, 5e remains the most current and forward thinking book on the market. Since the launch of the first edition in 1998, we have alerted students to leading edge issues and challenges facing the advertising and promotion industries. We were the first to devote an entire chapter to the Internet as an advertising medium (1998); the first to alert students to the "dot-corn" agency incursion on traditional advertising structure (2000); the first to raise the issue of consumers seeking and seizing control of their personal communications environment (2003); and the first to highlight blogs and DVP, s and the role they play in disseminating (or blocking) information about brands (2006).




第一部分 过程:商业与社会中的广告与整合品牌促销第1章 广告的世界与整合品牌促销第2章 广告产业的结构:广告客户、广告代理公司、传媒公司以及支持性组织第3章 促销与广告品牌的演变第4章 广告与促销的社会、伦理及法规层面第二部分 策划:分析广告与整合品牌促销的环境第5章 广告、整合品牌促销与消费者行为第6章 市场细分、定位与价值主张第7章 广告与促销研究第8章 广告与整合品牌促销策划第9章 广告策划:国际视角第三部分 在传统媒体和新媒体中投放信息第10章 广告与整合品牌促销的媒体战略和媒体策划第11章 媒体策划:报纸、杂志、电视和广播第12章 媒体策划:互联网上的广告与整合品牌促销第四部分 整合品牌促销第13章 促销、销售点广告与支持性媒体第14章 活动赞助、植入式广告与品牌化娱乐第15章 整合直复营销与人员推销第16章 公共关系、权力营销与企业广告术语表


  Building and Maintaining Brand Loyalty within the Trade. It might not seem as if wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and brokers would be brand loyal, but they will favor one brand over others given the proper support from a manufacturer. Advertising and particularly advertising integrated with other brand promotions is an area where support can be given. Marketers can provide the trade with sales training programs, collateral advertising materials, point-of-purchase advertising displays, premiums (giveaways like key chains or caps), and traffic-building special events. Exide, the battery company, spends several million dollars a year to be the official battery of NASCAR racing. Mike Dever, Exides vice president of marketing and product management, explains: "Both our distributors and our distributors customers, for the most part, are race fans so its the place we want to be."  Also, remember that trade buyers (retailers, wholesalers, distributors, brokers) can be key to the success of new brands or brand extensions, as we pointed out earlier in the discussion of the trade market as a target audience. Marketers have little hope of successfully introducing a brand if there is no cooperation in the trade channel among wholesalers and retailers. This is where IBP as a factor in advertising becomes prominent. This is because the trade is less responsive to advertising messages than they are to other forms of promotion. Direct support to the trade in terms of displays, contests, and personal selling combined with advertising in an IBP program helps ensure the success of a brand. Research also shows that retailer acceptance of a brand extension is key to the success of the new product.23 The Role of Advertising in Market Segmentation, Differentiation, and Positioning. The third role for advertising in marketing is helping the firm implement market segmentation, differentiation, and positioning.  Market segmentation is the process of breaking down a large, widely varied (heterogeneous) market into submarkets, or segments, that are more similar (homogeneous) than dissimilar in terms of what the consumer is looking for. Underlying the strategy of market segmentation are the facts that consumers differ in their wants and that the wants of one person can differ under various circumstances. The market for automobiles can be divided into submarkets for different types of automobiles based on the needs and desires of various groups of buyers. Identifying those groups, or segments.





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