《2010新编硕士研究生英语入学考试复习指导》是作者在分析和研究近年来研究生人学试题内容、命题特点和语言难点的基础上编写而成的。根据近年来研究生英语入学试题的调整情况,作者进行了全新的编写。在概说与练习部分中,包括长难句语法结构试题例解、重点词汇介词搭配例解、英语知识运用、阅读理解、英译汉和写作;在答案与注释部分中,作者对全书的试题进行了系统的注释。《2010新编硕士研究生英语入学考试复习指导》内容完整,题型新颖;既有方法的指导,又有针对性很强的模拟训练。对策与训练并重以及注重能力培养是《2010新编硕士研究生英语入学考试复习指导》的突出特点。 《2010新编硕士研究生英语入学考试复习指导》适于研究生入学考试前复习与自测之用,也适用于在职人员申请硕士学位考试和大学英语六级考试前的应试准备。
第一章 考研英语长难句语法分类试题例解一、时态和语态二、虚拟语气三、不定式、分词和动名词四、形容词和副词五、主语和谓语的一致关系 六、情态动词七、介词八、代词九、倒装十、并列结构十一、强调句型十二、连接手段十三、省略第二章 重点词汇介词搭配例解一、概说与实例剖析二、重点词汇介词搭配例解第三章 英语知识运用第一部分 概说和练习一、概说与实例剖析二、中级完形填空试题练习三、近年考研完形填空真题选编第二部分 答案和注释第四章 阅读理解Part A(多项选择题) 第一部分 概说和练习一、概说二、考前应试准备中阅读理解能力的培养方法三、中级阅读理解试题练习40篇四、历届真题精选及模拟高级阅读理解试题练习85篇第二部分 答案、注释和译文第五章 阅读理解Part B(选择搭配题)第一部分 概说和练习一、概说二、阅读理解Part B(选择搭配题)的应试方法三、练习第二部分 答案、注释和译文第六章 阅读理解Part C(英译汉) 第一部分 概说和练习一、概说与实例剖析二、英汉翻译的标准和翻译的思维过程1.英汉翻译的标准2.英汉翻译的思维过程三、英汉翻译的基本方法和技巧1.词义的选择2.词义的引申3.词类的转换4.增词法5.减词法6.正义反译和反义正译7.死译与活译8.否定的转移译法9.分译法四、研究生英语入学考试英译汉试题中常见的短语及句型五、近年全国硕士研究生英语入学考试英译汉全真试题选编六、英译汉全真模拟练习第二部分 答案、注释和译文第七章 写作第一部分 概说和练习一、短文写作的测试目的与要求二、近年考研短文写作的类型、示例和操练1.提纲式作文2.提纲图画或图表式作文3.规定情景式作文三、文章的基本要素——词、句子和段落1.选词2.造句3.组段四、作文的写作步骤五、作文评分的一般原则和研究生英语入学考试短文写作的评分标准.1.作文评分的一般原则2.研究生英语入学考试作文评分标准六、短文写作应试准备和应试注意事项1.应试准备2.应试注意事项七、短文段落翻译练习八、全真模拟作文翻译练习九、近年考研短文写作真题选编、参考作文和操练十、短文写作Part B冲刺改写练习第二部分 答案和注释附录:2009年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题
Passage 25In the atmosphere, carbon dioxide acts rather like a one-way mirror——the glass in the roof of a greenhouse which allows the sun‘s rays to enter but prevents the heat from escaping.According to a weather expert’s prediction, the atmosphere will be 3~~C warmer in the year 2050 than it is today, if man continues to burn fuels at the present rate. If this warming up took place, the ice caps in the poles would begin to melt, thus raising sea level several metres and severely flooding coastal cities. Also, the increase in atmospheric temperature would lead to great changes in the climate of the northern hemisphere, possibly resulting in an alteration of the earth‘s chief food-growing zones.In the past, concern about a man-made warming of the earth has concentrated on the Arctic because the Antarctic is much colder and has a much thicker ice sheet. But the weather experts are now paying more attention to West Antarctic, which may be affected by only a few degrees of warming: in other words, by a warming on the scale that will possibly take place in the next fifty years from the burning of fuels.Satellite pictures show that large areas of Antarctic ice are already disappearing. The evidence available suggests that a warming has taken place. This fits the theory that carbon dioxide warms the earth.However, most of the fuel is burnt in the northern hemisphere, where temperatures seem to be falling. Scientists conclude, therefore, that up to now natural influences on the weather have exceeded those caused by man. The question is: Which natural cause has most effect on the weather?One possibility is the variable behavior of the sun. Astronomers at one research station have studied the hot spots and “cold” spots (that is, the relatively less hot spots) on the sun. As the sun rotates, every 27.5 days, it presents hotter or “colder” faces to the earth, and different aspects to different parts of the earth. This seems to have a considerable effect on the distribution of the earth’s atmospheric pressure, and consequently on wind circulation. The sun is also variable over a long term. its heat output goes up and down in cycles, the latest trend being downward.Scientists are now finding mutual relations between models of solar-weather interactions and the actual climate over many thousands of years, including the last Ice Age. The problem is that the models are predicting that the world should be entering a new Ice Age and it is not. One way of solving this theoretical difficulty is to assume a delay of thousands of years while the solar effects overcome the inertia of the earth‘s climate. If this is right, the warming effect of carbon dioxide might thus be serving as a useful counter-balance to the sun’s diminishing heat. (498 words)
挺不错的 蛮快
已经在用了 学了几节 至少前面的时态等部分我觉得很有用虽然印刷的很密集看着好像很眼晕但觉得这书还挺值的