语言学博士在20世纪80年代还是凤毛麟角,但随着国家的不断发展和富强、高等教育的飞速发展、学科建设的不断提升,外国语言文学和语言学及应用语言学的博士点在全国不断涌现,培养的语言学博士越来越多。中国海洋大学出版社看到这个契机,决定向这些毕业的博士征稿,推出语言学博士文库出版计划,陆续出版学术水平高、写作质量好的博士论文。我认为这是极其明智之举,将会对语言学基础理论和应用语言学理论的研究起到很大的推动作用。 博士论文出版后通常按专著对待,作为专著的一种,也无可厚非。但博士论文与一般专著相比有它自己的特点。它更强调学术性,重点放在理论的创新上,以解决理论问题为主,而专著虽然必须是学术性很强的,但它还要考虑应用性,例如,要考虑适合一定的读者群,致力于解决当前社会上亟须解决的问题,或者在某个领域普及相关的理论知识等。 从学术的角度讲,博士论文与其他著作相比有它的优势。首先,它的选题经过严密的论证和讨论,又有导师的指导,是学术界所关心的研究题目。第二,它研究的重点更加集中,要解决的理论问题更加明确,通常整个研究只围绕一个论题展开。第三,它研究的方法更加明确和恰当,而且研究方法通常得到突出,从而使研究结果更具说服力和实证性。第四,也是最重要的一点,作者通常要倾三年之力,专心研究这个题目,这样,他对相关的前沿理论和所使用的方法都会十分熟悉;同时他还要考虑专家提出的问题,对每个理论点进行反复研究、琢磨和探讨,填补所有的漏洞,使论文从理论体系和体例上更加完善。另外,他要特别突出他的创新点,得出更有价值的结论等。
List of FiguresList of TablesChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Overall Comprehensibility and Organizational Structure2.1 Introduction2.2 Previous Research2.3 Analytical Apparatus2.4 Methods2.4.1 Subjects2.4.2 Data2.5 Data Analysis and Results2.6 Discussion2.7 ConclusionChapter 3 Paratactic Versus Hypotactic Syntactic Structures3.1 Introduction3.2 Literature Review3.3 Methods3.4 Findings and Discussion3.4.1 Occurrences of Hypotactic Syntactic Structures3.4.2 Syntactic Complexity and Evaluation Scores3.5 ConclusionChapter 4 Preposed Versus Postposed of the Adverbial Clause4.1 Introduction4.2 Previous Research4.3 Methods4.3.1 Subjects4.3.2 Data Collection4.3.3 Transcribing Conventions4.4 Data Analysis4.4.1 Characteristics of the Adverbial Clause4.4.2 Theoretical Framework4.5 Findings and Discussion4.5.1 Findings and Discussion of the Chinese Data4.5.2 Comparison Between the Findings in Wang's Chinese Corpus and the Chinese Mini-lectures4.5.3 Findings and Discussion of the Chinese-English Data4.5.4 Comparison of the Adverbial Clause by Type and Position Across English, Chinese-English, and Chinese4.6 ConclusionChapter 5 Implications for Second/Foreign Language Teaching and Training5.1 Global Discourse Organization5.2 Local Discourse Organization5.3 ConclusionChapter 6 Conclusion and Further ResearchBibliographyAppendix A:Abbreviations used in Chinese examplesAppendix B:Transcribing conventions
4.1 Introduction The investigation of subordinating clauses in the previous chapter has shownus that Chinese native speakers of English tend to produce fewer hypotacticsyntactic structures than English native speakers do in academic lecture dis-course. Among the three types of subordinating clauses, we have found thatoccurrences of complements per 1,000 words are highest with the adverbialclause closely following. The use of both of these far outnumbers that of rela-tive clauses. By comparing the structures of English complement and relativeclauses with their Chinese counterparts, we have found that similarities incomplement clauses and remarkable differences in relative clauses between thetwo languages could account for the high and low productions of the clausesrespectively. It is suggested that typological differences between the targetand first language, to some extent, affect target language use. Investigation of the use of one of the subordinating clauses——the adverbialclause in this chapter was motivated by two factors. First, Quirk, Green-baum, Leech, and Svartvic's (1985) authentic data show that the adverbialclause is normally and conventionally postposed whereas in Chinese it is(strictly) preposed (Zhao, 1968). Second, previous research has found thatthe grammar rules are not always observed in either English or Chinese. Noresearch has been done on the adverbial clause in terms of its position in acomplex sentence in interlanguage. It is pedagogically interesting to explorehow second language users observe the rules in question. Do they generallyfollow the target language grammar rules or their first language rules in theirinterlanguage? What is their tendency in positioning the adverbial clause in re- lation to the main clause? ……