

朱淑英,桑莉琳 主编 江苏大学出版社





朱淑英,桑莉琳 主编  






  在社会主义市场经济条件下,教育的目标是培养适应市场的高素质、技能型应用人才。国际经贸这个特定的职业岗位群主要指国际贸易外销员、单证员、货代员、报关员、助理项目管理师等,他们既要有国际经贸专业知识,又要有实际进出口贸易的操作能力。而国际经贸岗位群的工作,既有各自的特点,又相互联系、相互影响,整个工作程序经常交叉进行,涉及的知识面广,实务操作环节复杂。因此,本书从学生的实际文化水平和该专业的实用知识出发,按岗位群及工作流程来设计每一模块,这是本书的一大特点。  国际经贸岗位群的另一特点是:完成岗位工作需要使用英语,而且是特定的专业英语。所以,了解特定专业术语以及相应的英语表达方法,积累国际贸易英语使用技巧,非常重要,也很必要。本书正是从这一点出发,选编了实用性、专业性较强,也易理解的专业英语文章。  本书的英语表达力求浅显易懂、深入浅出。对于难点、重点,每一单元后都有详细的中文注释。每一单元最后的练习以理解和思考题为主,旨在帮助学生复习所学知识,并能独立思考、综合归纳、灵活运用。本书共分四大模块,通过对各模块的学习,不但可了解国际贸易的专业知识和操作流程,而且可大大拓宽知识面,并能提高英语阅读与应用能力,可谓一举多得。  本书在编写时参考和借鉴的一些学习材料包含了目前国际经贸岗位群所涉及的最新实用知识。


本书围绕国际商务、国际经贸特定的职业岗位群介绍国际经贸实务知识,分四大模块26个单元。第一模块设定岗位为国际贸易业务员,主要介绍进出口贸易流程;第二模块设定岗位为报关员和货代员,介绍与关税及报关有关的知识点和实务环节;第三模块设定岗位为助理项目管理师,介绍国际贸易订单的跟单管理、国际外包等;第四模块为最新国际经贸实用知识介绍。 本书可供高等院校国际贸易、商务英语等专业的学生使用,也可供国际经贸从业人员参考。


岗位:国际贸易业务员 出口贸易流程 国际商务谈判  进出贸易流程 海运保险  国际支付(A) 国际支付(B) 国际商事仲裁 倾销与反倾销 国际商会及其出版物——《国际贸易术语解释通则》与《跟单信用证统一贯例》(第600号出版物) 进出品货物报检流程岗位:报关员和贷代员 报关流程 商品名称及编码协调制度 保税区和自由贸易区 暂准进口通关单证册 国际货代 著名远洋运输公司简介 快递在国际贸易中的作用岗位:助理项目管理师 国际项目管理 国际招标 国际外包 国际采购订单的跟单管理 外国直接投资 最新国际经贸实用知识介绍 国际会展的组织和参与 绿色贸易  国际营销  知识产权和技术贸易 参考文献及网址


  Exporting is both challenging and rewarding. It has been observed that the worlds economic and scientific development causes the increasing need for documentation. Tomake a success in export trade, the exporter must adopt an integrated systems approach, awell-defined export price and payment policy. This approach must start right from thequotation stage when the price and offers are being made for presentation to the potentialoverseas buyer. Also, in order to be successful in exporting one must fully investigate on itsmarkets. No one chould ever try to tackle every market at once. Overseas design andproduct requirements must be carefully considered. Establishing Business Ralations  Establishing business relations is the first step to develop foreign trade. A successfulbusinessman person is able to get new opportunities for the company he or she works for.One may establish business relations with companies abroad through many channels likebanks, chambers of commerce, trade directories, business associates, commercialcounselors offices, commercial office of embassies, advertisements, exhibitions and tradefairs, market surveys, recommendations by business partners or clients and other sources.These are good ways to help you find the potential buyers. Once you find the potentialcustomers, its important to contact with them by e-mail, fax, MSN online or even face-to-face meetings as soon as possible. Since then, the process of inquiry , offer , counter-offer and acceptance is usually required in the export negotiation.Despatching Samples  As the overseas buyers generally ask for the samples before placing confirmed orders,it is essential that the samples sould be attractive, informative and have retention andreminder value. Exporters have to despatch the right samples (either large or small ones)for customers confirmation. In practice, sometimes sample confirmation can not bereached in one time, so export traders need to make records for each confirmation.Besides, timing is the vital factors for exporters to send their samples, so selecting theproper courier services is very important. Exporters usually despatch sampes to theircustomers overseas via the worlds big courier companies, like DHL, UPS, FedEx, andTNT, N.V..  Inquiry and Offer Companies doing business with others undergo the process of "offer——counter-offer——acceptance" before reaching a sales agreement. This process may be oral, taking the formsof face-to-face meeting or telephone conversations, and online chatting. But mostly, it iscompleted with written correspondence between two companies, like e-mails.




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