

李月菊 主编 对外经济贸易大学出版社





李月菊 主编  




  中国自加入WTO以来,对外贸易迅猛发展。各类公司和企业都在积极利用新世纪贸易自由开放和市场全球化的大好机遇图谋发展。然而,对于不熟悉国际市场交易与规则的买方和卖方来说,国际贸易充满了风险。本书详细介绍了进出口业务与操作,试图说明国际货物买卖合同是“如何”订立与实施,以及与之相关的法律问题。在诠释一笔进出口交易过程时,本书有许多新颖之处,简述如下:  1.明确概念,注重基础  每个章节都从基本概念入手,对重要概念和术语进行解释或说明,并注重概念之间的有机联系,为读者构建一个清晰的国际贸易实务概念框架和理论体系,使读者对进出口实务有全面的正确的认识。  2.内容全面,重点突出  本书内容涉及进出口交易的方方面面,包括各种细节、实例和案例。同时,本书对国际货物买卖合同,以及托收和信用证结算过程进行了深入研究,并对进口、出口、运输、银行等方面的单证要求和程序有详实的介绍,有利于读者尽快掌握进出口业务的核心内容。本书还对国际贸易方式,国际银行、运输商、保险公司等其他参与者在国际贸易中的功能和作用,以及世界贸易组织和区域贸易协定等知识作了相应的介绍。  3.语言简练,结构严谨  本书在讲解进出口实务的复杂操作时,力争做到语言简练、清楚易懂。本书结构严谨,逻辑性强,每章以学习目标开始,然后是课文讲解,并尽可能配以图表和范例等直观解释,其次是该章内容总结、词汇英汉对照、注释,最后是课后练习。  4.案例分析,学以致用  本书大量使用案例研究的方法来阐释和强化基本概念和规则,引导学生灵活运用所学知识解决实际问题。  本书是英语专业学生学习国际贸易实务的教科书,并可作为经贸专业学生双语教学的教材,也是经贸工作人士的良师益友。  本书编写分工如下:李月菊负责编写第一章、第二章、第六章和第七章,张平负责编写第三章、第四章和第八章,刘丽负责编写第五章的工作。  本书得以出版,要感谢对外经济贸易大学教务处的帮助,英语学院领导的支持,以及对外经济贸易大学出版社。  由于编者学识有限,书中难免存有疏漏和不足,敬请读者批评指正。  此外,本书配有教学课件、参考答案及相关的材料,供教师教学参考(见书末赠送课件说明)。  李月菊  对外经济贸易大学






Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade Practices Section One Introduction to Modes of International Business Section Two The International Trading Environment Section Three General Procedures of an Import-Export Transaction Section Four Introducing the Parties to an Import-Export Transaction Chapter Summary Vocabulary Notes ExercisesChapter 2 Incoterms 2000 Section One International Trade Practices Relating to Trade Terms Section Two Introducing Incoterms 2000 Section Three Common Issues Section Four Incoterms 2000 Summary Section Five Incoterms and Issues of Risk and Title Section Six  Incoterms and Terms of Sale, Terms of Payment Chapter Summary Vocabulary Notes ExercisesChapter 3 Negotiating Business Contracts  Section One Negotiation  Section Two Drafting International Sales Contracts Chapter Summary Vocabulary Notes ExercisesChapter 4 Formation of the International Sales Contracts (CISG) Section one Introduction Section Two Structure and Contents of the CISG Section Three Application of the CISG Section Four Formation of International Sales Contracts Section Five Formality Chapter Summary Vocabulary Notes ExercisesChapter 5 Insurance Section One Functions of Insurance Section Two Basic Principles of Insurance Section Three Types of Risks, Losses and Expenses Section Four Main Types of Insurance Section Five Types of Insurance Policies Section Six  The Insurance Contract Chapter Summary Vocabulary Notes ExercisesChapter 6 Trade Payment and Finance Procedures Section One Four Basic Terms of Payment Section Two Drafts and Acceptances Section Three Documentary Collections Section Four Letters of Credit/Documentary Credits Section Five Financing International Trade  Chapter Summary Vocabulary Notes ExercisesChapter 7 International Trade Documents Section One Introduction to Trade Documents ……Chapter 8 International Commercial Dispute RusolutionAppendices


  InbanaUonal business is all commercial transactions —— private and govemmental ——between two or more countries. Private companies undertake such transactions forprofit; governments may or may not do the same in their transactions.  Why should we study international business? A simple answer is that international business comprises a large and growing portion of the worlds total business. Today,global events and competition affect almost all companies —— large or small —— because most sell output to and secure supplies from foreign countries. Many companies also compete against products and services that come from abroad.  A more complex answer is that a company operating internationally will engage in modes of business, such as exporting and importing, that differ from those it is accustomed to domestically. To operate effectively, managers must understand thesedifferent modes, which well discuss shortly.






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