吴立高,陈玉萍 主编
《商务英语听说》共分初、中、高三级,每级一册,每册十六单元。教材选材涉及到商务领域的常见话题,包括商务接待、面试、产品介绍、商务谈判、广告、国际贸易等各个方面,为学习者提供了大量真实、生动的英语素材,使学习者在提高英语听说技能的同时也涉猎国际商务知识。 本套教材的编写以真实性为原则,很多材料来自国外财经报刊和外企的真实语言交流素材,内容涉及到真实的公司业务及人物,工作场景下的真实交流,有较强的实用性和专业性。该教材语言地道,听、说训练交替进行,使得两项互相促进,共同长进。本教材得另一大特点就是语言技能的训练与商务知识有机结合。交际任务以真实的商务交际情景为参照,鼓励学习者在完成交际任务的过程中运用所学语言知识,提高交际能力,熟悉商务知识。而且任务设计尽可能与学习者的经历直接或间接相关,通过商务场景对话、角色扮演等丰富多样的活动让学习者参与其中,增加了学习的意义。 本套教材可作为大学英语专业及英语相关专业的学生学习商务英语的材料,也可作为任何专业对商务英语有兴趣的学生选修课使用教材。初级适合大学一年级学生或有一定基础的学习者使用,中级适合大学二年级或有中等基础的学习者使用,高级可供大学、三、四年级或有较高英语水平的学习者使用。建议2到3课时学习一个单元。 这套教材也为社会上广大的商务英语爱好者提供学习材料,对提高学习者的听、说能力将有帮助,对于从事商务工作和即将从事商务工作的人,本教材有助于他们提高英语交际能力,并提供实用性的商务知识。
Unit 1 AccountingUnit 2 Financial ManagementUnit 3 InvestmentUnit 4 Business CreditUnit 5 Company GrowthUnit 6 Customer ServiceUnit 7 Corporate GovernanceUnit 8 Marketing StrategiesUnit 9 Marketing AbroadUnit l0 Employee MotivationUnit 11 Merger and AcquisitionUnit 12 The New EconomyUnit 13 GlobalizationUnit 14 InsuranceUnit 15 Business EthicsUnit 16 Cost Management
There are 5 key principles to think about when investing. Firstly, start early and invest regularly. The earlier you start investing, the more opportunity your investment has to grow through compounding which means you generate earnings on earlier earnings. Investing regularly also helps to smooth out the costs of investing in rising and falling markets. Secondly, set your investment goals. Prepare a current budget to help you assess your current financial situation. Then select the most appropriate investments for you, determine how much you can afford to invest and have a tried and tested way to stick to your regular investment plan. A financial planner can help you through the process of preparing a financial plan, including goals, budget, risk profile and timeframe, as well as recommending a range of investment strategies tailored to your situation. Thirdly, diversify your investments. Simply put, diversification is about lowering the level of risk across your investment portfolio by spreading your investment across a number of assets. In a way, it has a smoothing effect: you wont get the huge gains, but nor should you experience the big losses. Fourthly, you should know about "timing the market". "Timing the market" is where you try to buy when the market is low and sell when it is high. However, anticipating the top and bottom of the market can be extremely difficult. In practice, many who try to time the market end up worse off. Lastly, you need to strike a comfortable balance between the level of risk you are prepared to accept and your desired level of return. Usually, investments with the highest potential returns tend to also have the highest risk. As a general rule, the longer the timeframe you can invest for, the more risk you can afford to take.
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