

周一 编 对外经济贸易大学出版社





周一 编  




经济贸易的蓬勃发展为我国高校商务英语专业建设提供了难得的机遇,也提出了更多的挑战。为了更好地推动商务英语本科专业的发展,对外经济贸易大学出版社组织编写了这套“全国应用型本科商务英语系列规划教材”。 面对经济全球化和中国加入WT0之后社会对人才需求的新形势,高等院校本科商务英语的人才培养应该定位在“培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,英语语言基础扎实,具有较强的英语交际能力,具备基本的商务与文秘知识和业务能力,知识面宽,具有创新精神,知识、能力、素质协调统一,面向经贸、外事、涉外企业、跨国公司、教育等行业,能从事国际商务策划、国际商务谈判、国际贸易、国际金融、国际市场营销、高级商务翻译、教学、科研及管理工作的高级应用型专门人才”。本系列教材从当前形势需求出发,力求培养具有扎实的英语基本功,掌握国际商务基础理论和知识,善于跨文化交流与沟通,能适应经济全球化,具备国际竞争力的复合型英语人才。 本套“全国应用型本科商务英语系列规划教材”适用于全国应用型本科院校商务英语专业、英语专业的商务/应用/外贸英语方向以及财经类专业的学生,内容包括《商务英语听说》、《商务英语阅读》、《商务英语写作》、《商务英语函电》、《商务英语翻译》、《国际商务制单》和《国际贸易理论与实务(英文版)》等。


Part One International Trade Unit 1 General Introduction to International Trade Unit 2 WTO Unit 3 Delivery Terms Unit 4 Letter of Credit Part Two Business Management Unit 5 General Introduction to MNC Unit 6 Marketing Management Unit 7 HR Management Unit 8 Chief Executive OfficerPart Three International Finance and Investment Unit 9 International Finance Unit 10 Securities Market  Unit 11 Insurance Industry  Unit 12 Hospitality IndustryPart Four Economy and Society Unit 13 Olympics and Expo Unit 14 Economy and Environment Unit 15 Educational Services Industry Unit 16 Intellectual Property


  Lipsey points to other instances in which a companys investment abroad provides benefits at home. For example, investing in a particular country may give a company access to markets that it would not be able to penetrate with a domestic operation alone. This has the effect of increasing the companys exports overall, the benefits of which accrue to domestic operations. In addition, having operations abroad can shield a company from the damaging effects of currency fluctuations and tradeinhibiting tax policies in the home country. In both instances, the foreign investment could end up protecting jobs at home by strengthening the parent company.  Overall, Lipsey argues its not always or even often the case that an investment in production abroad "substitutes" for or displaces what would otherwise be production capacity at home. Looking at exports alone, Lipsey notes that economists have found more evidence associating foreign investments with an increase in home country exports than a decrease. Even in Europe —— where rising unemployment in proximity to an increase in foreign investment lead to suspicions that the two were related Lipsey notes that economists found foreign investment was more likely to boost ratherthan to reduce the host countrys exports.  As for its effect on the foreign country, again, Lipsey finds little, if any, support for the anti-globalization gospel. For example, considering the charge that foreign investment leads to depressed wages and thus exploits "host country" workers ,Lipsey finds that the opposite is true. "Within host countries it has been abundantly shown that foreign-owned firms pay higher wages than domestically-owned firms,"he writes. Lipsey notes that foreign firms tend to be in "higher wage sectors," generally hire "better educated and more qualified workers" than locally owned firms, and "tend to be larger and more capital intensive."




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