冯岩岩 编
《酒店实用英语》是《工学结合新思维》高职高专财经类十二五规划系列教材之一。 本教材根据教高【2006】16号《关于全面提高高等职业教育教学质量的若干意见》的文件精神,从高职高专“就业为导向”的办学目标出发,根据旅游酒店管理类专业人才的培养目标和课程设置要求,基于星级酒店服务岗位所必需的英语实际应用能力,在深入酒店实践和广泛调研的基础上,从框架构建、内容筛选、深广度定位和体例编排等方面都倾力以“工学结合”为纽带创新建设。 随着旅游酒店行业对从业人员英语实用能力要求的不断提高,高等职业院校对本专业的英语教育必须紧密结合酒店行业的岗位能力标准实际,强化对语言在实际工作程序中的应用能力训练,充分体现英语教学与酒店服务岗位深度融合的“教学做一体”,以利学生熟练地将所学英语知识、语言能力应用到酒店岗位的管理工作之中,成为企业“下得去、用得上、干得好、留得住”的实用型人才。
Module One The Front DeskSub-module 1 Accepting Room ReservationCase 1 A Confirmed reservation 4Case 2 A Guaranteed reservation 5Case 3 Over-booking 6Case 4 Handling the complaint about the room reservation 7Sub-module 2 Check-in 15Case 1 Bell service 16Case 2 Registering a walk-in guest 16Case 3 Registering a guest who has a reservation 17Sub-module 3 Change of Reservation and Cancellation 25Case 1 Bringing forward the reservation 26Case 2 Extending the reservation 27Case 3 Cancelling a guaranteed reservation 28Sub-module 4 Other Services 35Case 1 Taking a message 36Case 2 Exchanging foreign currency 37Case 3 Information service 37Sub-module 5 Check-out 43Case 1 Checking Out for guests 44Case 2 Something wrong with the bill 45Case 3 Late check-out and bell service 45Module Two HousekeepingSub-module 6 Floor Service 55Case 1 The Bellboy shows the guest to his room 56Case 2 Room-cleaning service 57Case 3 Food-delivering service 58Case 4 Handling the complaint about the noise 59Sub-module 7 Laundry Service 65Case 1 Dry cleaning 66Case 2 Quick service 67Case 3 Making a wrong delivery 68Sub-module 8 Lost and Found 73Case 1 A complaint about lost articles 74Case 2 Lost and Found Desk 75Case 3 At the security section 76Sub-module 9 Emergency Service 81Case 1 Illness emergency 82Case 2 Damage problem 83Case 3 Losing the passport 84Module Three Food and BeverageSub-module 1O Booking a Table 91Case 1 Booking a table for five 92Case 2 Booking a banquet 93Case 3 Booking a family reunion dinner 94Sub-module 11 Seating the Guest 101Case 1 Seating the guests with the reservation 102Case 2 Handling a coupon storm 103Case 3 Receiving the guests without the reservation 104Sub-module 12 Taking Orders 111Case 1 Recommending specialties 112Case 2 Recommending Sichuan Cuisine 113Case 3 Recommending a special offer 114Sub-module 13 Services during the Meal 119Case 1 Eating Beijing roast duck 120Case 2 Offering more dishes 121Case 3 Settling the bill 122Case 4 Handling the complaint about food 123Module Four Other ServicesSub-module 14 Business Center 131Case 1 Sending a fax and photocopying 132Case 2 The Internet service 133Case 3 Booking a ticket 134Sub-module 15 Recreation Center 139Case 1 Using the Gym 140Case 2 Drinking Chinese tea and demonstrating how to brew tea 141Case 3 Selling souvenirs 142Sub-module 16 Conference Center 149Case 1 Inquiries about the conference room 150Case 2 Booking a conference room 151Case 3 Booking a multi-functional hall 152Tapescripts 159Keys 169Appendix 1 181Appendix 2 185Bibliography 199
Generally speaking, restaurant operation can be defined in such a pattem as "investment-transformation-product". The investment includes material resources, human resources,capital resources, etc. What is produced can be actual products and invisible products. So tospeak, the operation consists of three basic processes: circulation of commodities, namelypurchasing and cooking of foods; service process, namely the selling of foods; and informationprocess, namely the guarantee of circulation process and service process. Commodity circulation process mainly involves purchasing of foods. The procedure iscomposed of purchase application-purchasing-storage or issuing-cooking-purchaseapplication again. This is a clear description of the material food in its dynamic cycle. First,purchase applying should reflect what is going to be manufactured. And this purchasingdemand, in turn, depends on the demands of customers. Second, purchasing means that the costand expenses of material are happening. This kind of investment directly affects the income of abusiness. Last, food material is moved to the cooking department and is cut and heated. Itchanges its original form and quality and becomes food product. After a certain profit has beenrealized, another cycle begins.