马庆林,孟超 编著
《法律英语高级教程》是为法学各专业学生及英语专业学生在学习完《大学英语》或《基础英语》后进一步学习法律英语知识而编写的,旨在通过这套教材的实践,帮助学生掌握法律英语的基础词汇及基本法律常识,了解国外法律制度及法学研究的最新动向并通过教学实践获得运用法律英语的基本技能,熟练阅读理解国外法学文献,掌握基础的法律方面的英汉互译。本书共有15个单元。每单元分为主课文(Text)、练习(Exercise)、辅课文(ExtendedReading)、思考练习(thinking in Depth)及相关资料(Suggested Reading Materials)。每单元的教学需6学时,全册书约需60学吼主课文(Text)作为精度文章讲解,课文后设计有生词、音标、单词释义、课文注释,供教师和学生开展课堂教学。练习(Exercise)包括阅读理解、判断、术语解释、完形填空和英译汉,旨在帮助学习者更好地掌握每单元的核心知识点以及为教师提供一个课堂练习和课后作业的素材。辅课文(Extended Reading)是与每单元的论题相配套的辅助阅读材料,在学习完主课文之后可用作进一步掌握相关知识的阅读材料。
21世纪以来,经济全球化蓬勃兴起,而随着我国加入世贸组织,我国正在融人经济全球化的大环境之中;同时,我国改革开放也经过了30余年,国内的形势正在发生着新的变化。这样一来,就不可避免产生一系列新的法律问题,也给国内的法学教育提出了新的课题,对法学教材也提出了更高的要求。 鉴于此,我们延请中国政法大学、对外经济贸易大学、中国人民大学、中央财经大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学、西南政法大学、武汉大学、华中师范大学、厦门大学、西北政法大学等众多知名学府的权威学者,并联合实务界人士,共同推出一套高等院校法学专业高级系列丛书。这套丛书,可以作为法学研究生的教材,也可以作为法学本科生(高年级)的深度阅读图书;同时对于法学界实务工作者而言,也有很大的参考价值。 本套丛书,在精简基本知识内容的基础上,对重点内容及其最新发展进行了极大的丰富与深化,并在一定程度上打破教材只阐述通说的常规;在知识结构安排上,更加完善,并具有前瞻性和系统性。其每本书中都包含着诸多新的观点及引发思考的提示,并融人相关的现实案例,有助于读者扩大知识视野,提高对知识理解的深度,拓宽思考现实问题的广度,从而形成自己的法学知识架构,最终有助于在实践中解决问题。本套丛书的体例,主要设置四个模块:(一)核心提示——核心的导读性提示,即正文的阅读重点,具有一定的启发性,引导学生进行思考;(二)正文;(三)深度思考——提供学生思考的开放性主题,从而使所学知识得以巩固和实际运用;(四)推荐阅读/扩展阅读索引——为学生继续更深入地学习,推荐相关的阅读书目,或提供相关的学习资料索引以方便搜索。这些模块不是孤立的,而是作为一个整体,交互融合,共同起到引导、运用和深人的作用。 本套丛书的每一本都是作者的倾力之作,愿她们的出版对我国的法学教育、人才的培养有所助益!
Unit 1 The Law and Legal System American Common Law Systems Exercises Extended Reading Thinking in Depth Suggested Reading MaterialsUnit 2 The Judicial System The American Federal Courts Exercises Extended Reading Thinking in Depth Suggested Reading MaterialsUnit 3 Legal Education and Profession American Legal Education Exercises Extended Reading Thinking in Depth Suggested Reading MaterialsUnit 4 The Constitutional Law Introduction to American Constitutional Law Exercises Extended Reading Thinking in Depth Suggested Reading MaterialsUnit 5 The Criminal Law The Legal Definition of a Crime Exercises Extended Reading Thinking in Depth Suggested Reading MaterialsUnit 6 The Tort Law The Types of American Tort Law Exercises Extended Reading Thinking in Depth Suggested Reading MaterialsUnit 7 The Contract Law The Categories and Components of the Contract Exercises Extended Reading Thinking in Depth Suggested Reading MaterialsUnit 8 The Property Law Introduction to the Property Law Exercises Extended Reading Thinking in Depth Suggested Reading MaterialsUnit 9 The Corporate Law Introduction to the Corporate Law Exercises Extended Reading Thinking in Depth Suggested Reading MaterialsUnit 10 The Intellectual Property Law The Categories of Intellectual Property Law Exercises Extended Reading ……Unit 11 The Procedural LawUnit 12 The International LawUnit 13 The International Economic LawUnit 14 The Case LawUnit 15 Legal WritingAppendix for Legal English
插图:The legal definition of a crime involves the elements of the criminal acts that must beproven in a court of law if the defendant is to be found guilty. For the most part, commoncriminal acts have both mental and physical elements, both of which must be present if the actis to be considered a legal crime.5 The following definition of the crime of burglary in thenighttime, as stated in the Massachusetts General Laws6, is an example of the mental andphysical elements of the substantive criminal law:Whoever breaks and enters a dwelling house in the nighttime, with intent to commit afelony7, or whoever, after having entered with such intent, breaks such dwelling house inthe nighttime, any person being lawfully therein, and the offender being armed with adangerous weapon at the time of such break or entry, or so arming himself in such houseor making an actual assault on a person lawfully therein, (commits the crime of burglary).The elements of the crime are.
TS 法学我送你这本书的时候,没想过我们会分开。;而仅仅两周之后,我们八个月的感情就在你的冷漠里结束。我其实什么都没有,我只不过想对你好,也许我的表达方式不对或者不是你喜欢的,可是所有经历过的一切对你来说都没有意义么?zangwill