卓振英,刘筱华 著
本书共收入历代著名诗词112首,根据朝代与文学流派,编为八章。每章.的导论对有关 朝代之概况,以及诗歌的发展、流派、主要代表人物作了简要的介绍。每首诗词按原文、汉语拼音、英译的顺序编排,所注汉语拼音均为原调。
卓振英(1945~ )
PrefaceChapter One Pre-Qin Poetry Part I The Book ofPoetry 1.关雎The Ospreys in Tune 2.伐檀Felling Sandalwood Trees 3.伐木Cutting Wood 4.采薇Gathering Ferns 5.小曼Petty Heaven Part II The Verse of Chu 6.离骚[屈原]Tales of Woe[Qu Yuan] 7.涉江[屈原]The Voyage[Qu Yuan]Chapter Two Poetry of the Han Dynasty 8.大风歌[刘邦]Ode to the Wind Mighty and Stern[Liu Bangl 9.十五从军征Conscrib’d at the Age of Fifteen 10.上邪Oh Providence 11.陌上桑Mulberry on the Roadside 12.长歌行A Long Son9 13.枯鱼过河泣A Dri’d Fish Is Being Carri’d across a StreamChapter Three Poetry of the Three Kingdoms,of the Jin Dynasty and of the Northern and Southern Dynasties 14.短歌行[曹操]A Short Song[Cao Cao] 15.七步诗[曹植]A Seven.Pace Poem[Cao Zhi] 16.咏怀(其三十八)[阮籍]Intonation of My Sentiments(N0.38) 1 Ruan ji 17.咏史[左思]Reflections on History[Zuo Si] 18.归园田居[陶渊明]Retired Country Life[Tao Yuanming] 19.折杨柳歌辞(其五)Snapping the Willow Twig(N0.5) 20.木兰诗Song of Mulan 21.敕勒歌Song of the Chile 22.拟行路难(其六)[鲍照]Poems in the Form of“LiPs Journey Is Perilous”(N0.6)[Bao Zhao] Chapter Four Poetry of the Sui and the Tang Dynasties 23.送杜少府之任蜀州[王勃]Farewell to Du,Wh0’S Faring forth for Shu to Fill the Position of Assistant County Magistrate[Wang Bo] 24.滕王阁[王勃]The Tower of Prince Teng[Wang Bo] 25.登幽州台歌[陈子昂]Ascent of the Youzhou Tower[Chen Zi’ang] 26.回乡偶书[贺知章]Random Lines on My Return to Hometown [He Zhizhang] 27.春江花月夜[张若虚]The Flower.Fnnged River in a Moonlit Night [Zhang Ruoxu] 28.登鹳雀楼[王之涣]Ascending the Stork Tower[Wang Zhihuan] 29.春晓[孟浩然]Spring Morn[Meng Haoran] 30.黄鹤楼[崔颢]The Yellow Crane Tower 31.出塞[王昌龄]Far Away on the Frontier[Wang Changling] 32.山居秋暝[王维]An Autumn Eve during My Stay in the Mounts.[Wang Wei] 33.相思[王维]The Love Pea[Wang Wei] 34.将进酒[李白]A Toast[Li Bai] 35.静夜思[李白]In the Quiet of the Night[Li Bai] 36.早发白帝城[李白]Embarkation at Baidi Early in the Morning [Li Bai] 37.望庐山瀑布(其二)[李白]Watching the Waterfall in the Lushan Mountains(N0.2)[Li Bai] 38.塞下曲[李白]A Frontier Melody[Li Bai] ……Chapter Five Poetry of the Song DynastyChapter Six Poetry of the Liao, the Jin and the Yuan DynastiesChapter Seven Poetry of the Ming DynastyChapter Eight Poetry of the Qing DynastyBibliographyIndex and Concordance