杨红旗,高明强 主编
《高级英语写作教程》主要为高等学校学生而编写,同时也可供英语水平相近的中、高级学习者作参考。本书编排条理清晰,在内容安排上循序渐进。全书分3个部分,共16章,内容涵盖了英语写作的各个环节。本书具有以下特点:1.系统性本书共有16章,内容涵盖了英语写作的各个环节。第1章到第5章讨论段落写作;第6章到第8章讨论短文写作;第9章到第16章讨论句子写作和书写规范。段落写作和短文写作部分详细讲解了英语写作常用的写作原则、写作过程、写作体裁和写作技巧,具体内容则由浅入深,从主题句、各种体裁的段落写作、记叙文写作,直至结构较为复杂的议论文写作。在注重篇章与结构分析的同时,我们还分别在段落和短文写作的有关章节里加入实例分析。第3部分除了标点和书写规范的讲解外,重点放在句子写作上。对于中、高级英语学习者来说,遣词造句尤为重要。在这部分主要通过实例讲解了中国学生易犯的语法错误和表达方面的错误。2.实用性读与写是不能分割的一个整体。唐代诗人杜甫说得好:读书破万卷,下笔如有神(He who reads tremendously owns a gifted pen.)。我们在范例的编写过程中,参阅了大量中外写作材料和阅读材料,并参考了有关的网络资源。范例取材广泛,绝大部分是英、美作者所写,难度深入浅出,写作风格迥异,学习者从中可以了解到各种体裁、题材的段落和短文写作。另外,在选材时考虑到可模仿性,所选材料贴近生活。从我们的分析和讲解中学习者可以由学会欣赏英语语言和英语写作风格到模仿写作,并最终进行创造性写作。
《高级英语写作教程》(A Course in Advanced English Writing)主要为高等学校学生而编写,同时也可供英语水平相近的中、高级学习者作参考。 本书编排条理清晰,在内容安排上循序渐进。全书分3个部分,共16章,内容涵盖了段落写作方法,各种体裁的短文写作方法,句子的写作方法,以及常见的书写规范。每一章节后都附有相关实践题,以培养学习者的写作能力,逐步提高学习者的英语写作水平。
Part Ⅰ Paragraph Writing Chapter 1 Topic Sentence Chapter 2 Supporting Sentence and Closing Sentence Chapter 3 Paragraph Unity and Coherence Chapter 4 Types of Paragraph Chapter 5 Paraphrasing and SummarizingPart Ⅱ Wntng Chapter 6 Writing the Introductory Paragraph Chapter 7 Writing the Concluding Paragraph Chapter 8 Writing Different Types of EssayPart Ⅲ Grammar and punctuatlon Chapter 9 Verb Tense and Voice Chapter 10 Adjective Clauses Chapter 11 Noun Clauses Chapter 12 Adverbial Clauses Chapter 13 Subject-Verb Agreement Chapter 14 Sentence Problems Chapter 15 Punctuation Chapter 16 Mechanics in WritingReferences
2.6 Development by comparison and contrast When we try to examine similarities and/or differences between two things or concepts,we may write a comparison and contrast paragraph.When we compare two items,we try to show how they are similar;when we contrast two things.we analyze their differences.The purpose of comparing and contrasting items is to help the reader get a clearer understanding of these items.The purpose Of writing about the differences and similarities Of two places,persons,or things is to point out to our readers what we have discovered about them.The topic sentence usually identifies the topic and the intention to compare and/or contrast A and B;and it comments on the degree of similarity or difference.The suppo~~ing sentences describe and compare their features. Some signal words or phrases are often used to denote comparison or contrast.suchas“by contrast”and“on the other hand.” Now let’S read a paragraph.