Chapter 1 Male Killer as the Modern Gothic Hero
1.1 Society as the Persecutor: The Triumph
of theSpider Monkey
1.2 Society as the Accomplice:Zombie
Chapter 2 Female Killer as the Modern Gothic Heroine
2.1 Family Violence and the Female's Split
Personality: The Rise of Life on Earth 80
2.2 Sexual Violence and the Female's
Mental Disintegration: Start Bright Will Be with
Chapter 3 Destruction of the American
3.1 Wealth Craze and Destruction from
Inside: Bellefleur
3.2 Public Voyeurism and Destruction from
Inside and Outside:American Appetite
Chapter 4 Violence in Social Relations
Works Cited
Oates makes it clear that the sexual violence against Sharon happens in ordinary and familiar places, and committed by different men. The suggestion is obvious: the crime is not a personal act; it is a "social experience". What is reiterated in Sharon's violent life, as in the traumatized Gotteson and Kathleen, is that society partakes in the vice it is supposed to exterminate. As a female serial killer who symbolically “ sucks the blood of other people" , Sharon might stand as a modern version of the female vampire, one of the most recurrent images in the 19th-century formulaic fiction of the Gothic in which the female rarely becomes a serial killer until she is transformed into a vampire by a male vampire, like Lucy in Dracula (1897) and Camilla in J. Sheridan Le Fanu's namesake novella. Owing to the subtle cultural equation of blood and semen (Hughes 241) , the vampire denotes seduction and eroticism. Yet for the female vampire, the gender connotation is reversed. She is inhuman because she is aggressive in sex hinted by her drawing blood from her victims. She is thus a monster and has to be eliminated. For the vampire, however, killing is the only way for her to survive. To solve this deadly dilemma, and to disperse the (male) writer's anxiety about the female's aggressive sexuality, she must die. It is not surprising that female vampires like Lucy and Camilla are destroyed while Dracula, the most famous male vampire in Western literature, lives forever. ……