第一周 听力理解(一) 星期1 短文听写7大常出错误 今日讲堂 一、由音变现象而导致的错误 二、由英、美发音差异而导致的错误 三、因同音词与近音词分辨不清而导致的错误 四、由单词拼写导致的错误 五、因语法基础不扎实而导致的错误 六、由于背景知识缺乏而导致的错误 七、因标点符号使用不当而引起的错误 今日练习 答疑解惑 星期2 短文听写3招高分技巧 今日讲堂 一、熟悉常考主题、健全背景知识 二、加强速记能力 三、处理好听与写的关系 今日练习 答疑解惑 星期3 短文听写自测试题 自测试题 TEST 1 TEST 2 TEST 3 答疑解惑 星期4 听力对话5大常考情景 今日讲堂 一、校园生活类 二、工作生活类 三、社会生活类 四、科普知识类 五、调查采访问询类 今日练习 答疑解惑 星期5 听力对话5招听前预测第二周 听力理解(二)第三周 完形、单选第四周 阅读理解第五周 短文写作第六周 便条写作第七周 预测试题
A monkey is sitting expectantly in a laboratory, wearing earphones that keep its head in an upright fixedposition. Its hand rests at its waist near a telegraph key that it can feel but cannot see. Soon a green light be-gins to blink and the monkey presses the key to signal that it is ready. Then it hears two syllables comingthrough the earphones, realizes that the syllables are different, and correctly lifts the key. This is not an amazing event in the field of research on primate behavior. Scientific studies on animal be-havior have been conducted for many years. Chimpanzees, gorillas and monkeys have all been taught to com-prehend messages from humans. What is new about this study is what the researcher noticed about themonkeys use of its hands. Although either hand could have been used for pressing the key, every one of themonkeys used its right hand. In other tasks, however, like grabbing food from a feeder or taking somethingthat is offered to them, the monkeys seemed to have no preference for one hand over the other. It has generally been assumed that only humans have the trait of favoring one hand. The right hemisphereof the brain controls the left arm and hand, and the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right arm and hand. lmportant mental abilities such as speaking and understanding language are handled by the left side ofthe braih, so it is thought that this produces a dominance of right-handed humans. However, a growing num-ber of researchers are challenging this notion that non-human primates have no hand preferences. They arguethat these traits can be traced back to primates living tens of millions of years ago. Their contention is that pri-mates can use their right hands to perform precise manipulations where they cannot clearly see what they aredoing. And then why havent researchers noticed this before? It is difficult to set up experiments that requirethe kitid of task where handedness is important.