陈幼平 编
为了适应新形势下我国高等教育的发展,满足国家对人才培养的要求,2004年教育部颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》(简称《教学要求》)。《教学要求》重新规定了大学英语的教学目标,强调大学英语教学主要是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力。大学英语六级考试也随之进行了配套改革,从考试内容到题型设计均进行了重大调整,难度有所增强。为了使广大考生能迅速掌握考试方法和诀窍,编者呕心沥血,精心编排,几经修改,终于奉上了这本六级过关宝典——“一本全”。 本书各部分主要由两大章组成:第一章谙熟技巧高分有理;第二章千锤百炼熟能生巧。第一章对历年真题做了抽丝剥茧、鞭辟入里的分析,力求让考生对升级命题的金科玉律和应试技巧了然于胸。对于历年真题中出现频率较高的考查点或技巧,本书则将其总结成小单元,放到拓展空间一栏里,以便考生对六级考试有更加清晰明了的认识。第二章是练习部分,此部分习题系精选而成,答案解析精确详细,繁杂处不厌其烦,细微处一语道破。 本书各部分内容如下—— 写作: 现在六级考试把写作从原来试卷构成的最后一部分提到了第一部分,这对考生的英语语言表达能力和逻辑思维能力提出了更高的要求。但相对其他部分而言,写作仍是得分较容易的题目,是通过短期突击就可见成效的部分。本部分编者精研考纲新动向,广阅关书籍,总结了写作经典题型与常用句型,旨在让考生在短期内掌握高分写作的精要;而在练习部分,本书的每篇范文均含有精讲精点,利于考生了解文章的精妙所在。 快速阅读理解: 快速阅读理解是一个考查考生英语快速阅读能力的题目。而提高阅读速度最直接有效的办法就是“练”。针对这一特点,本书在这部分采取了简要理论加大量练习的编排形式,第一章的理论部分只是言简义赅地介绍了快速阅读的必备知识和技巧,而第二章的10套练习题则为提高考生此部分的应试能力做了量的积累。 听力部分: 美国总统罗斯福有句名言:“世界上唯一可惧怕的是惧怕本身(The Only thing to fear is learn it-self.)”。这句话一语道破大多数考生听力训练中存在的核心问题,那就是对听力普遍存有惧怕心理。但其实只要方法得当,完全可以在较短时间内实现听力能力的提高,从而从容应对考试。本书听力部分对六级考试的新老题型进行了深入细致的分析,后面的8套模拟练习则可以使考生在较短时间内实现高分突破。 仔细阅读理解: 短句问答在原题型基础上做了一定的改造,针对这个题型,本书不仅在第一章理论部分对其题型难度以及应试技巧进行了全面的阐述,而且在第二章提供了大量的练习,使考生真正做到“理论”与“实践”相结合。对于传统题型——仔细阅读理解,本书根据每篇阅读理解文章的难度分别为其设计了阅读精点、难句分析和答案精解等小栏目,并配有全文翻译。
考拉进阶坚持“执着毅力,实用高效”的考拉精神,潜心研发“效能与快乐”为核心的学习方法,力求为大学英语学习者提供一种 真正切合英语学习本质、实用高效的学习方案。近年来推出了“大学教材全解系列”、“四六级试卷系列”、“词汇系列”、“考研系列”等多个大学产品系列,上百本图书,广受大学生欢迎,在全国各地成为畅销经典。
2010年6月大学英语六级考试真题(新)2009年12月大学英语六级考试真题(新)710分新题型大学英语六级考试命题追踪与预测试卷Model Test One710分新题型大学英语六级考试命题追踪与预测试卷Model Test Two710分新题型大学英语六级考试命题追踪与预测试卷Model Test Three710分新题型大学英语六级考试命题追踪与预测试卷Model Test Four710分新题型大学英语六级考试命题追踪与预测试卷Model Test Five710分新题型大学英语六级考试命题追踪与预测试卷Model Test Six710分新题型大学英语六级考试命题追踪与预测试卷Model Test Seven710分新题型大学英语六级考试命题追踪与预测试卷Model Test Eight710分新题型大学英语六级考试命题追踪与预测试卷Model Test Nine710分新题型大学英语六级考试命题追踪与预测试卷Model Test Ten
What is theatre?Actors tell a story in words and act on a stage. Why has theatre been so intriguing topeople all over the world and throughout history?Theatre in the West began in Greece in 534 B.C.in thecelebration of the cult of Dionysius. The relationship between religion and theatre is neither accidental norincidental: they both include ceremony, ritual, and spectacle that create drama which engages our emotionsand intellect because they tell stories that are universal. In prehistoric times, ceremonies and rituals helped people explain such awe-inspiring, dramatic eventsas birth, death, and powerful natural forces. Man needs a way to cope with his deepest fears and concernsso he creates dramatic situations that express and mimic these feelings. The costumed participants in theceremony (with a script),like the actors on stage, pretend they are driving out demons or pleasing theirgod, or resolving their fears and concerns. This is what Aristotle called catharsis(感情宣泄);thepurgation(清除)of powerful emotions such as fear and pity that offers the release from tension that weexperience as we empathize with the actors facing their conflicts(and our own)and work toward resolvingthem. Theatre and religion touch us not only emotionally and intellectually, but spiritually. Shakespearewas right when he said that all the world is a stage and we but actors playing our parts. There are three basic periods in the history of theatre: Classical period-Greek and Roman theatre; theRomantic period which includes the Renaissance in Europe and the Modern period which began in the late19th century. The Greeks laid the foundation of theatre in the West. They developed the five-act play whichShakespeare and most others followed. At first, there was only one actor who recited a story about thegods. Then Aeschylus added a second actor who made dialogue possible that changed theatre forever, andlater Sophocles added a third actor who brought new elements of conflict that are the essence drama,especially tragedy. The early Christian banned theatre, but offered elaborate ceremonies to attract peopleand to educate them in the Christian doctrine and its dramatic mythology. In the Renaissance, the arts wereflourishing first in Italy and then n ther parts of Europe. Shakespeare wrote in the 16th and early 17thcenturies. Modern theatre began in the 19th century with the plays of Ibsen, Strindberg and Chekhov. Theyoffered reality rather han fantasy or simplistic popular melodramas. The 20th century brought boldinnovations in America and Europe, including new structures: two and three-act plays or a series of scenesreplaced the five-act structure; new stage designs and staging; new issues especially after hentheatre of the Absurd appeared. Off-Broadway and Off-Off-Broadway productions challenged the old ways y presenting experimental works that shocked and perplexed many audiences.
风靡全国,畅销十年,8000万读者的选择。 高效学习方案,轻松过六级,我的学习我做主! 剖析最新真题,举一反三,把握真题脉络 设计仿真练习,专项训练,逐一攻克难关 独创拓展空间,查漏补缺,提高得分能力 特设综合测试,实战演练,巩固备考效果 过六级,就用一本全,一本就全!