

UNKNOWN 天津电子出版社 (2012-09出版)



UNKNOWN 天津电子出版社 (2012-09出版)  






《休闲英语》目录: 如何使用Cloud Pen阅听本书 1. A Day at the Park 公园里的一天 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 2. A Musical Performance 音乐演奏会 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 3. Seeing a Movie 看电影 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 4. A Trip to the Zoo 到动物园 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 5. In a Museum 在博物馆 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 6. At a Playground 在游戏场 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 7. At a Swimming Pool 游泳池畔 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 8. At a Amusement Park 在游乐园 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 9. At the Beach 在海边 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 10. At the Circus 在马戏团 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 11. At the Gym 在健身房 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 12. Going Camping 去露营 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 13. Going Fishing 去钓鱼 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 14. In a Gift Shop 在礼品店 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 15. At a Spa 在水疗中心 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 16. On a Farm 在农场 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 17. Festivals & Holidays 缤纷节日 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff 18. Astrology 星座 Practice Dialogues Extra Stuff Answer Key …… 《娱乐英语》 《商务英语》 《职场英语》 《生活英语》


版权页: 插图: Dialogue 1 Phil: There's always something special about going to the ballpark for a baseball game 到球场看棒球赛总是觉得特别不一样。 Victoria: Yes. I've been going to games ever since I was a little girl. My father used to take me. 对啊,我很小就开始看棒球赛了。我爸爸以前总带我去看比赛。 Phil: Well, baseball is America's national pastime. 嗯,棒球是美国的全民性消遣活动。 Victoria: Look! The batter just hit the ball into left field. Will the left fielder be able to catch it? 你看!打击手刚把那一球打到左外野。左外野手接得到吗? Phil: Nope! The ball dropped in for a hit. The batter has become a base runner now.Wow! He's really running around the bases. 没接到!球落地形成安打。打击手开始跑垒了。哇!他真是跑过一垒又一垒啊。 Dialogue 2 Carl: Going to the ballpark to watch a baseball game is fun, but nothing beats watching a game in the comfort of our living room. 到球场看棒球是有趣,不过在我们的客厅里舒服地看比赛才是最棒的。 Tina: I agree, Carl. The game is in the ninth inning and it's all tied up, three to three. 卡尔,我同意。比赛现在进行到第九局打成平局,比分三比三。 Carl: This is a play-off game, and if our team wins, it will go to the World Series. 这场是季后赛。如果我们球队赢了。就可以世界职业棒球大赛。 Tina: That is so exciting. Our team hasn't played in the World Series for almost thirty years. It will be a dream come true if they go on to win the World Series. 好刺激啊。我们球队已经快30年没打进世界大赛了,如果他们能在世界职业棒球大赛中取得冠军,那就美梦成真了。 Carl: Slow down, Tina. Our team has to win this game first. 蒂娜,别急。我们的球队得先打赢这场比赛才行。






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