谭晓东 编
《时尚我最IN》精选和当今时尚潮人生活中的“驴友出游”,“手机文化”,“美容瘦身”,等10个热门话题,涵盖主流时尚文化;“热点透视”“流行语20句”“词汇便利贴”“经典对话”“辩论堂”“全景悦读”6个栏目,让读者在轻松地阅读中了解新鲜话题,并且学会怎样用英语表达,突破口语交流的障碍,同时攻陷英语和时尚2个领域。 你不可不知的最in,最炫英语流行新话题,内容新颖,符合潮流,贴近社会主流文化。
I think pursuing fashion is nothing more than a waste of time and money. Many women squander (浪费,乱花)vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. Although first impressions are important in our daily life, they can be changed by further communication. Therefore, the most important thing for us to pursue (追求) is inner quality rather than fashionable clothes. Every woman wants to show her best, and its rare that one is completely happy about her body. If you feel uncomfortable about your weight, dressing to look slim will be important. The following three tips can make your dream come true: Wear the right size Wear clothes that fit your figure (身材) , not clothes that draw attention to the wrong places. If clothes are too tight, all the bulges, or any other flaw you may have will show through. If clothes are too big, they add bulk and can make you look heavier than you actually are.