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中国广播电视出版社 远东图书公司  











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  About several years ago, I have read The Merchant of Venise. While at that time, I thought Shylock was so selfish and the judgment of the duck was just for him, and he deserved for his misfortune, but now, I understand him: he is the tragedy of that time, and all he had done seem reasonable.
   First, we should remember that Shylock was a Jew. At that time, Jewish people lived miserable life under the reign of Christians. For the discrimination of religions, the Jewish people had to pay higher taxes, and they had less right as well as were belittled by others. So they have to turn to doing business. We all know that most Jewish people had been successful businessmen, while in a certain degree they were forced to do so if they want to survive in that society. Shylock became a usurer because he had no other choices.
   Second, Shylock’s hatreds toward Antonio were acceptable. On act 1 scene 3, Shylock said many bad manners of Antonio, while Antonio didn’t retort, which showed that these words were true. Why did Antonio treat Shylock in that way? The possible answer may be that Shylock was a Jew, and he demanded high interests. On the other hand, his daughter cheated him and run off with Lorenzo, who was a Christian, and her daughter took part of his fortune. This deepened his animosity toward Christians. We can see that no one was on his part, even his families.
   Last, the judgment of the Duke seems fair, but if we consider more, we can find that actually it was unfair for Shylock. The compact between Shylock and Antonio could be valid for that it was underwritten by Antonio who was under no threat or force. On the other hand, the Duke called Shylock “Jew” instead of his name or “accuser”. We can see that the Duck was not for Shylock, and in some degree he discriminated him. Shylock was under the stress of the whole world, or in other words, Jewish people were despises by others. That was why Shylock asked for his right even though they offered him several times of his money. If we stand on his foot, we may do the same thing. Besides, at the end of the trial, half of his fortune was sent to his daughter ignoring that his daughter had took his money without his permission. Shylock was cheated by the world, and he can do nothing to change his condition.
   So Shylock is a tragedy. He was the image of Jewish people’s lives at that time, and he was the tragedy of history.


