朗文當代高級辭典 (英英‧英漢雙解) 第四版
Longman Hong Kong Education,朗文香港教育
•207,000 words, phrases and meanings
•155,000 natural examples
•4,000 new words and phrases
•More than 7,000 synonyms, opposites, and related words are shown after the definition
•More than 250 usage notes on word choice, useful for vocabulary-building
•14 full-page colour illustrations
•The 3,000 most common words in written and spoken English are marked
•Language Notes give guidance on important grammar and usage to help avoid common mistakes
•Clear definitions written using only 2,000 common words
•Frequency graphs show information about which are the most common words to use in a particular context in written and spoken English, or which structures are most commonly used with a word
•語言提示(Language Notes)介紹語用學知識
•DVD-ROM with full text of the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (E-C) (4th Edition) and Longman Concise Chinese-English Dictionary
•Free for purchase of print edition
朗文當代高級辭典 (英英‧英漢雙解) 第四版 PDF格式下载