Steeb, Willi-Hans; Solms, Fritz;
This book gives a thorough introduction to object-oriented design and programming using C++. At the same time it can be used as a library of very useful programs chosen from the fields of finance, administration and statistics. These include programs for calculating loan periods, amortization, least squares fitting, a spelling checker, a Gregorian calendar, data compression and encryption, searching and sorting. Basic C++ programming is introduced with simple introductory programs while object-oriented programming in C++ is explained as useful classes are developed. Finally, there is an introduction to object-oriented design and a demonstration of its power by the development of a banking package.
1 Introduction 1.1 Aim of Object-Oriented Programming 1.1.1 Information Hiding 1.1.2 Inheritance 1.1.3 Polymorphism 1.1.4 Templates 1.1.5 Standard Template Library 1.2 Why C++ ?2 C-t-+ Basics 2.1 Introduction 2.2 A Simple C++ Program 2.3 Basic Data Types 2.4 Arithmetic Operations 2.5 ASCII Table and Types Conversion 2.6 Precedence Table 2.7 Pointers and References 2.8 Control Statements 2.8.1 Introduction 2.8.2 The if Statement 2.8.3 The for Loop, while Loop, do-while Loop 2.8.4 The switch Statement 2.9 Arrays 2.10 Strings 2.11 The sizeof Operator 2.12 The new and delete Operators 2.13 Arrays of Pointers 2.14 Logical AND, Logical OR and Logical NOT 2.15 Pass by Value, Pass by Reference 2.16 Command-Line Arguments 2.17 Bitwise Operations 2.18 Shift Operations 2.19 Passing a Function to a Function 2.20 Recursion 2.21 Inline Assembly Language 2.22 Time Header File 2.23 Random Numbers 2.24 Constants and Inline Functions 2.25 Jump Statements 2.26 The static Keyword 2.27 Structures3 String Manipulations 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Digit Conversion to Character and String 3.3 Character in String 3.4 Append a Character to a String 3.5 Searching for a Character in a Given String 3.6 Delete a Character from a String 3.7 Replacement of a Character by a Character 3.8 Swapping Characters in a String 3.9 First n Characters from a String 3.10 Substring in String 3.11 Assignment and the Function strcpy 3.12 Permutations of a Word 3.13 String within String 3.14 Comparing Strings 3.15 Length of a String 3.16 Permutations of Characters in a String 3.17 Swapping Parts of a String 3.18 String Handling using Recursion 3.19 Concatenating Strings 3.20 Replacing a Substring in a String 3.21 Reversing the Characters in a String 3.22 Boyer and Moore's Algorithm 3.23 Subsets of a Given Set of Strings 3.24 Counting Characters and Digits in a Phrase 3.25 Counting Characters and Words in a Phrase 3.26 Centering Text 3.27 The Function getline4 The Class Concept 4.1 Introduction 4.2 What is a Class ? 4.3 Constructors and Destructors 4.4 Copy Constructor 4.5 Operator Overloading 4.6 The Keyword this 4.7 Examples 4.7.1 Example 1 ……5 Function Templates6 Class Templates7 Sorting and Searching8 Useful Classes9 File Manipulations10 Applications in Finance11 Applications in Administration12 Applications in Statistics13 Exception Handling 14 The Standard Template LibraryBibliographyIndex