

Fortuna, I.; Arena, Paolo; Caponetto, R. Penguin





Fortuna, I.; Arena, Paolo; Caponetto, R.  




In this book, the reader will find a theoretical introduction to noninteger order systems, as wellas several applications showing their features and peculiarities. The main definitions and results of research on noninteger order systems and modeling of physical noninteger phenomena are reported together with problems of their approximation. Control applications, noninteger order CNNs and circuit realizations of noninteger order systems are also presented. The book is intended for students and researchers involved in the simulation and control of nonlinear noninteger order systems, with particular attention to those involved in the study of chaotic systems and the modeling of nonlinear spatiotemporal phenomena.


PrefaceChapter 1. Non Integer Order Circuits and Systems 1.1 Introduction: Non Integer Order Physical Laws 1.2 Non Inductive Transmission Line 1.3 l/f Noise Spectra 1.4 Polarization Phenomena 1.5 Diffusion Phenomena 1.6 Acoustic Phenomena 1.7 Frequency Modulation and Bessel Function of the First KindChapter 2. Main Results on Non Integer OrderSystems 2.1 Non Integer Integration: Historical Notes 2.2 Preliminaries and Definitions 2.3 Laplace Transforms and System's Representation 2.4 GeneralProperties of Fractional Systems 2.5 Impulse Response of a General Fractional System 2.6 Numerical DifferintegrationChapter 3. Approximation of Non Integer Order Systemsvia Integer Order Systems 3.1 Infinite Order and Non Integer Order 3.2 Frequency Domain Approximation 3.3 Inverse Method: Non Integer Order Modeling 3.4 An Example of TLme Domain Approximation 3.5 Genetic Algorithms to Approximate Non Integer Order System Chapter 4. Control Problem: Non Integer Order Feedback 4.1 Control Design: a Brief Review 4.2 Non Integer Order Correction 4.3 The CRONE Control 4.4 Complex Integration and Evolution of the CRONE 4.5 Non Integer Derivative Control of the Steady State in 4.6 PIXD Non Integer Order Controller 4.7 Non Linear System Control Chapter 5. Non Integer Order Cellular Neural Network Systems 5.1 Standard and Non Integer Order CNNs 5.2 Image Processing Applications 5.3 Autowaves in Non Integer Order CNNsChapter 6. Circuit Design of Non Integer Order Chaotic 6.1 Non Integer Order and Chaos 6.2 The Duffing System 6.3 Non Integer Order CNNs and Chaos 6.4 The Two-cell CNN CircuitChapter 7.ConclusionReferencesAppendixIndex




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