The Wine Review
CH'NG Poh Tiong is a lawyer by training.
He writes, since 1998, the oldest, continuous wine column in Chinese in the world in Singapore's largest circulation Chinese newspaper, the Lianhe Zaobao. Ch'ng has also been pairing wine with Chinese cuisine since he starting drinking wine nearly 40 years ago.
Ch'ng Poh Tiong is publisher of The Wine Review, since 1991, the oldest wine publication in South-East Asia, Hong Kong and China. He also publishes, since 2000, the world's first "Guide to Bordeaux in Chinese".
Ch'ng also writes a quarterly column for the United Kingdom's Decanter magazine.
Ch'ng Poh Tiong is founder of ICCCW, the International Congress of Chinese Cuisine & Wine. The inaugural congress was held in Beijing in 2008; Singapore in 2009; and, is scheduled for Hong Kong in November 2010 (www.icccw.com).
Ch'ng is also publisher of www.chinesebordeauxguide.com, the world's first bi-lingual Chinese/English website on Bordeaux wine. In November 2010, he will be launching www.vinovideos.com, the world's first website devoted to wine videos with English/Chinese content and subtitles. The site will itself also launch wine training videos in Chinese under "学酒", and in English under "Wine School".
In his work as a journalist, Ch'ng visits Bordeaux four or five times a year. He first journeyed to China in 1988 and, since the last few years, visits a dozen or more times annually.
Ch'ng Poh Tiong's paternal and maternal ancestral homes are Fujian and Guangdong respectively.
此外,莊布忠也创办了中餐与葡萄酒国际会议(ICCCW,the International Congress of Chinese Cuisine & Wine),并于2008年及2009年,分别在中国和新加坡主持了国际会议。2010年度的中餐与葡萄酒国际会议将于11月在香港举行(www.icccw.com)。
与此同时,莊布忠也是 www.chinesebordeauxguide.com 的出版人,该网站是全球首个关于波尔多酒的中英双语网站。2010年11月,莊布忠即将推出 www.vinovideos.com,这是全球首个专门上载葡萄酒相关中英文视频的网站,视频将附上字幕。该网站也将分别以“学酒”以及“Wine School”为名,推出与葡萄酒有关的中英文培训视频。