

Vincenzo Barone,Philip G. Ratcliffe World Scientific Publishing Company



World Scientific Publishing Company  


Vincenzo Barone,Philip G. Ratcliffe  






This book deals with the theory and phenomenology of transverse spin effects in high-energy hadronic physics. Contrary to common past belief, it is now rather clear that these effects are far from irrelevant, A decade or so of intense theoretical work has shed much light on the subject and brought to the surface an entire class of new phenomena, which now await thorough experimental investigation. Over the next few years a number of experiments worldwide (at DESY, CERN and Brookhaven) will run with transversely polarised particles, providing data that will enrich our knowledge of the transverse spin structure of hadrons. It is therefore timely to assess the state of the art, and this is the principal aim of the book.   The outline of the book is as follows. After a few introductory remarks (Chapter 1), in the first part (Chapters 2-4) attention is directed to polarised deep inelastic scattering (DIS), particularly DIS on transversely polarised targets, which probes the transverse spin structure function g2. This structure function is examined within the framework of the quark-parton model and its improvement via perturbative QCD. The existing data are reviewed and commented on (for completeness and comparison, a brief presentation of longitudinally polarised DIS and of the helicity structure of the proton is provided).


PrefaceChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The transverse-spin structure function and the transversity distributions 1.2 A first look at g2 1.3 A prelude to transversity 1.4 Notation and terminology 1.5 ConventionsChapter 2 Polarised deeply-inelastic scattering 2.1 Basics of DIS 2.2 The unpolarised cross-section  2.3 Polarised cross-sections 2.4 Target polarisation 2.5 Forward virtual Compton scattering 2.6 Spin asymmetries  2.7 The partonic content of structure functions  2.7.1 Unpolarised structure functions  2.7.2 The longitudinal spin structure function  2.7.3 The transverse-spin structure function 2.8 Mellin moments of polarised structure functions  2.8.1 The first moment of gl  2.8.2 The Bjorken sum rule  2.8.3 The Wandzura-Wilczek relation   2.8.4 The Burkhardt-Cottingham sum rule  2.8.5 The Efremov-Leader-Teryaev sum rule 2.9 Experimental results on polarised structure functions. 2.10 Transverse spin in electroweak DISChapter 3 The transverse-spin structure of the proton 3.1 The quark-quark correlation matrix 3.2 Leading-twist distribution functions 3.3 Probabilistic interpretation of distribution functions 3.4 Vector, axial and tensor charges 3.5 Quark-nucleon helicity amplitudes 3.6 The Softer inequality 3.7 Transverse motion of quarks 3.8 Twist-three distributions 3.9 Sum rules for ATf and gT 3.10 T-odd distributions 3.11 Model calculations  3.11.1 Models for the transversity distributions  3.11.2 Calculations of the tensor charges  3.11.3 Models for g2Chapter 4 The QCD evolution of transversity 4.1 The renormalisation-group equation 4.2 QCD evolution at leading order 4.3 QCD evolution at next-to-leading order 4.4 Fragmentation functions at next-to-leading order 4.5 Evolution of the transversity distributions 4.6 Evolution of the Softer inequality and positivity constraints 4.7 The low-x behaviour of hiChapter 5 The g2 structure function in QCD 5.1 The operator-product expansion--non-singlet 5.2 Ladder-diagram summation 5.3 Singlet g2 in LO 5.4 Non-singlet and singlet coefficients g2 in NLO 5.5 Sum rules for g2 in QCD  5.5.1 The Burkhardt-Cottingham sum rule in QCD   5.5.2 The Wandzura-Wilczek relation in QCD……Chapter 6 Transversity in Drell-Yan PrlductionChapter 7 Transversity in inclusive IeptoproductionChapter 8 Transversity in inclusive HadroproductionAppendix A Polarisation of A Dirac particleAppendix B Sudakov decomposition of yectorsAppendix C Projectors for structure functionsAppendix D Reference framesAppendix E Dimensional regularisation and minimal subtractionAppendix F Mellin-moment identitiesBibliographyIndex





