Pengiun Group (USA)
Tougring, Nils; Penner, R. C.; Tongring, Nils
The central theme of this volume is the contemporary mathematics of geometry and physics, but the work also discusses the problem of the secondary structure of proteins, and an overview of arc complexes with proposed applications to macromolecular folding is given.
PrefaceIntroduction by R. BottQuantizing Teichmiiller Spaces Using GraphsLectures on Indices and Relative Indices on Contactand CR-ManifoldsBiologic IIOperads, Moduli of Surfaces and Quantum AlgebrasFragments of Nonlinear Grothendieck-Teichmiiller TheoryCell Decomposition and Compactification of Riemann's ModuliSpace in Decorated Teichmiiller TheorySpatial Intermittency in Two-Dimensional TurbulenceA Wavelet ApproachAn Elementary Definition of Brownian Motion in Hilbert Space