Shara Dupuis,Matt Coler 著
適用於一般對學習英文有興趣的人士,亦可作為大專技職院校開設的 「英文閱讀」、「英文字彙與閱讀」等課程的參考書籍。 本套書依程度共分三冊,每冊包含18個學習單元、36篇文章課程,囊括各類主題與體裁,並依文章內容精選出關鍵字彙和片語,完整提供字彙與閱讀演練。文章後備有多元活用題型,涵蓋閱讀技巧練習、字彙與詞類變化規則、綜合題型練習,全面增進閱讀技巧,提升字彙能力。
Shara Dupuis,Shara Dupuis has been working in the field of English language learning for the past 13 years. She holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in Second Language Teaching and Psychology, a Bachelor of Education degree and a Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) certificate. Previously published works include computer-based software for English language learning and Test of English for International Communication (TOIEC) preparation guides. Shara lives in Canada and is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers. She is currently working as an ESL Teacher with the Ottawa Catholic School Board. 第二語言教學與心理學榮譽學士(Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in Second Language Teaching and Psychology)、教育學士(Bachelor of Education degree)。擁有專業英語教學執照,以及13年以上英語教學經驗。出版作品包括各類電腦英語教學軟體、多益考試準備用書。現居加拿大,為加拿大安大略省教師公會(Ontario College of Teachers)會員,並任職於渥太華天主教學校教育局(Ottawa Catholic School Board),為教授「英文為第二語言學生」(ESL)的專業資格老師。 Matt Coler,Matt Coler holds a Ph.D. in linguistics from the Free University of Amsterdam. While most of Matt’s work involves the documentation of endangered languages, he’s also interested in language acquisition and ESL. Matt currently resides in the Netherlands. 阿姆斯特丹自由大學(the Free University of Amsterdam)語言學博士。致力於瀕危語言(endangered languages)的研究,亦對語言習得(language acquisition)及第二語言教育(ESL)有深厚興趣。現定居於荷蘭(Netherlands)。 江奇忠,曾任電視編導,拍過英語短片。喜歡歌舞劇,也參與過歌舞劇表演。輔大翻譯研究所畢業,從事電影電視影集翻譯及各類能力可及的口筆譯,也不忘做些剪接和視覺特效。 陳慧莉,政大英文系畢業。
Unit 1 Culture文化Lesson 1 Big and Beautiful 大而美?Lesson 2 The Japanese Tea Ceremony 日本茶道Unit 2 Arts & Literature藝術與文學Lesson 3 Henrik Ibsen亨利克·易卜生Lesson 4 Marc Chagall 馬克·夏卡爾Review 1Lesson 5 Urban Legends 都市傳奇:事實還是虛構?Lesson 6 Louis Armstrong路易斯·阿姆斯壯Unit 3 Politics政治Lesson 7 Israel and the Palestinian Territories 以巴領土爭議Lesson 8 You Go, Girls! 了不起,女孩!Unit 4 Business 商業Lesson 9 What Caused the Global Financial Crisis· 什麼引發了全球金融危機?Lesson 10 Online Shopping Clubs 線上購物俱樂部Review 2Lesson 11 Jasmine Revolution 茉莉花革命Lesson 12 Go for the Gold! 淘金去!Unit 5 Technology 科技Lesson 13 Cyberbullying 網路霸凌Lesson 14 Facebook—User Beware! 臉書──用戶當心!Unit 6 Science 科學Lesson 15 Love is Like A Drug 愛情如毒品Lesson 16 Doomsday· 世界末日·Review 3Lesson 17 Pheromones, Our Sixth Sense 費洛蒙,我們的第六感Lesson 18 Human Androids 擬人機器人Unit 7 Health 健康Lesson 19 Fake Health Food 冒牌保健食品Lesson 20 Monsters Inside You 怪物在你體內!Unit 8 Entertainment 娛樂Lesson 21 The Vampire Phenomenon 吸血鬼狂潮Lesson 22 (Un)Reality TV 真人實境秀Review 4Lesson 23 Asperger's Syndrome 亞斯伯格症候群Lesson 24 Justin Bieber 「寶貝男孩」小賈斯汀Unit 9 Nature 自然Lesson 25 The Battle of the Bees 救蜂大戰Lesson 26 Plate Tectonics 板塊構造學說Unit 10 Travel 旅遊Lesson 27 Napa Valley 葡萄酒鄉;納帕谷Lesson 28 Quebec City 聚焦魁北克Review 5Lesson 29 Cycling in the Netherlands荷蘭單車之旅Lesson 30 Big Bugs! 認識巨蟲Unit 11 Sports 體育Lesson 31 Ousted Olympic Sports 奧運史上黯然退場的運動項目Lesson 32 Competitive Eating大胃王比賽Unit 12 Life 生活Lesson 33 An Introduction to Aromatherapy 簡介芳香療法Lesson 34 The Smaller, the Better· 小而優?Review 6Lesson 35 Road Rage 你有「路怒症」嗎?Lesson 36 Lance Armstrong 藍斯·阿姆斯壯英文Index文章中譯與解答