










  Employee enthusiasm can be an invaluable asset to a business, but 90% percent of employees become indifferent to their workplace over time, says this trio of management experts. How do they know? They’ve surveyed over four million workers in 89 countries over the past 30 years to find out (although conclusions in the book are drawn from research conducted between 1993 and 2003). So, what are the lucky ten percent of companies doing right? They’re meeting the three goals that the vast majority of employees desire at work: equity, achievement and camaraderie. And those goals go for all workers, whether they’re baby boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, or Gen D (digital). While explaining just what those terms mean, the authors provide plenty of examples of management doing things right: Former Alcoa CEO Paul O’Neill (later became the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury) met with hourly workers in the plant and gave them his home number so that they could call him if there were safety problems. Nordstrom’s employee handbook has one rule: “Use your good judgment in all situations.” Now there’s an organization that respects its workers. Numerous quotations from employees surveyed keep things brisk and absorbing. Bottom line: pure good sense on how to keep employees happy and productive作者简介: David Sirota is founder and Chairman Emeritus of Sirota Consulting, a firm with a national reputation for improving performance by systematically measuring and managing employee, customer, and community relationships. He previously served as IBM director of behavioral science research and application. Sirota has taught management at Cornell, Yale, MIT, and Wharton, and was a study director at the University of Michigan's Institute of Social Research. His work has been featured in Fortune and The New York Times. He holds a doctorate in social psychology from the University of Michigan.


AcknowledgmentsAbout the AuthorsIntroductionPart I: Worker Motivation, Morale, and Performance Chapter 1: What Workers Want--The Big Picture  Blame It on the Young  What People Actually Say About Work  Three Factors  The Evidence  How the Three Factors Work in Combination  Individual Differences Chapter 2: Employee Enthusiasm and Business Success  Making the Connection  Tell Us in Your Own Words  A Few Leading Organizations  Enthusiasm and Business Performance  Building the People Performance ModelPart II:Enthusiastic Workforces,Motivated by Fair TreatmPnt Chapter 3:Job Security Justice and Job Security Best Policies and Practices Chapter 4:Compensation Money as Seen bv W10rkers Money as Seen by Employers The Level ofPay Pay forPerformance Strategies for Efiective Compensation Chapter 5:Respect The Heart of Respect Humiliating Treatment Indifferent Treatment The Specifics of Respectful Treatment Physical Working Conditions Status Distinctions Job Autonomy Constrained Communication Day-to-Day CourtesiesPart III:Enthusiastic Workforces,Motivated by Achievement Chapter 6:Organization Purpose and Principles Elements of Company Pride Company Ethics and Business Results Ethics in the Treatment of Employees Getting Practical:Translating Words into Deeds Chapter 7:Job Enablement Ah,Bureaucracy!The Evil That Just Won’t Go Away A Management Style That Works Layers of Management The Benefits ofSelf-ManagedTeams  ……Part IV Enthusiastic Workforces,Motivated by CamaraderiePart V Bringing It All Together:The Total Organization Culture-and How to Change ItPart VI Appendices




